Session 1 - Celestial Alignment Report

General Summary

Prologue - 1 Week Ago: Each of the party members fall soundly, and peacefully asleep, but suddenly find themselves standing in a rocky landscape, they look up and see the moon move the last bit as a total solar eclipse is now in place above them, the light from the sun not quite reaching them as the eerie semi-darkness envelops them. They feel the ground shake, and look behind them, now noticing a cave. Shadowy forms around them run into the cave, they follow, and see more figures that they can't quite make out, gathered in a circle chanting. The ground before them splits as it quakes around them again, and as the earth in the center of the circle falls away, laughter echoes all around as a large reptilian hand reaches out to the surface around the hole from deep within. They all awake suddenly, not quite sure what they have just witnessed...

Jasper Astra, a young boy with short brown hair and shiny blue-topaz eyes, was led to Archantos, not quite sure why his dreams brought him here. A dream he had a night ago connected the constellations for Moon, Sword, and Sun together, while also connecting Book, Sun, and Prayer. Jasper remembered seeing a large temple in the middle of Archantos, not far from where he woke up early this morning.
He headed swiftly to the Temple of the Heavens and saw that it was split inside into Silver and Gold halves. No one seemed to be in the Silver half, although he saw a few worshipers and an older Priest in the Golden side. He approached the priest respectfully, who greeted him in the name of Solaron, explaining his name was Father Heinrich Vilmark.
Jasper explained that while he might not follow Solaron directly, the stars and his dreams seemed to have led him here this day to the priest, and asked for his help. Heinrich responded that as long as young Jasper follows the will of Solaron, his path will be clear, but agreed to help him. Jasper asks Heinrich if he knows where they might find someone connected to the concepts of Moon and Sword, Heinrich scoffs at having to deal with anyone associated with the foul moon and it's lying ways. However the Captain of the Solar Guard might know someone from the Lunar Guard who use special Moon Blades.

Meanwhile, 18 year old Valoch Khavarum, wakes up suddenly, realizing he is late for his shift as a Solar Guard, he grabs his stuff hastily and rushes quickly to the guard house...

Jasper and Heinrich head to the guard house near the Temple, and approach Karnad, Captain of the Solar guard. They ask him if he knows the Captain of the Lunar Guard, as he starts to think about where he might be, a young man hobbles in the door almost dropping his armor and swords. Heinrich notices the young man has both one of the blades of the Lunar Guards and a blade of the Solar Guard, although Jasper seemed not to see that. Karnad admonishes Valoch for being late and tells him to head to the market behind the Temple to take that post. Valoch apologizes and quickly heads out.
Before Karnad could answer Jasper and Heinrich's question, Heinrich tells Karnad he believes they've found who they are looking for and they turn to leave.
Jasper, a bit confused, follows Heinrich out, as Heinrich mentions that the young man had both a Lunar and Solar blade. They follow behind him, as he heads towards his post. Jasper sneakily grabs a few figs from a stand setting up, which neither Heinrich, Valoch, nor the stand owner notice right away. Jasper throws a fig at Valoch missing him, but catching his eye, he comes over to talk to the young boy who threw something at him.
They discuss how Jasper believes he was led to him, and the father, thinking they were brought together for some reason. At one point Jasper claps his hands on both Heinrich and Valoch, and at that exact moment, they all get a quick flash of the Eclipse seen in their simultaneous vision. This weirds out the group, and confuses them. They realize they all saw the same vision, and see that something strange seems to be going on.
Jasper thinks that waiting until night to see how the stars guide him is the best course of action, to figure out what to do next.

They head back to the Temple, and go to the upper level, let through the locked gate by Heinrich, they talk and play dice games, while Heinrich deals with the patrons at the Temple.

As night approaches, Jasper heads down to the main floor of the Temple as Heinrich is finishing his sunset worship services, saying goodbye to the patrons leaving the temple. They all go up to the roof, to await the nights sky. They see the moon on the horizon, but the stars are not quite bright enough. After waiting a few minutes, they her a woman screaming for help. A shadowy copy of Valoch appears near him and leaps off the roof of the temple, moments later Valoch switches places with his shadow, appearing slightly above the ground, landing safely. Jasper's eyes light up, and silvery wings sprout from his back and he leaps off the temple after Valoch. Heinrich looking exasperated, simply climbs down the stairs and heads out of the temple briskly. They quickly see a man harassing a woman, seemingly dragging her somewhere. The group engages the man to stop him, he sees them and runs into the nearby Tavern. Jasper stops to make sure the woman is ok as Valoch follows the man. Before Jasper and Heinrich make it to the Tavern, a small bell rings on the outside of the tavern far from the door. Soon the group in the courtyard is swarmed by bandits as Valoch knocks out the man in the Tavern and has his echo carry the man out the front door behind him. As he sees the commotion in the courtyard, Valoch with a large sigh says “that’s gonna be a lot of paperwork” 
{Battle details here}
They easily dispatch the bandits, and tie the few survivors to the roof of the temple to have them endure the Sun's Judgement for 14 days, at which point they will be let free if still alive.
As Heinrich and Jasper head back to the roof of the Temple, and Valoch heads home, they all look up and see a shooting star heading east out of the city...

  • Detail looks of characters
  • Important Dialogue
  • Maybe Jasper said they should leave the guard house? (which also doesn't make sense in context potentially)
  • Change description of Valoch's echoes to be a silvery mist instead of shadows
  • Valoch told Jasper about his origins while they were chatting/playing dice
  • Campaign
    Report Date
    16 Oct 2021


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