
The God of Sun

Alignment: Lawful Good

Domains: Light, Order

Symbol: a sun

Solaron is the god of the sun, radiant and glorious. According to legend, he makes sure that the sun rises every day to provide light, life, and warmth to the world. Everyone on Rakunos acknowledges his power, and most people understand the importance of the sun, and pays him some respect.

Pride, dignity, honor and confidence radiate from Solaron the same way light floods forth from the sun. He is cheery, outgoing, and enjoys the company of fellow gods and worship of his subjects. His favor can be as easily lost, though, turning him from ally to enemy as the consequence of a single misstep or perceived betrayal.

Solaron has appeared to mortals in a variety of forms, but he prefers the appearance of a sun-bronzed male human in his forties, dressed in a flowing tunic of golden cloth. His profile is noble, highlighted by a strong chin and a clean shaven face, and he boasts the broad chest of a perfectly fit athlete. His hair is golden, and his head is crowned with a golden wreath. He is also fond of appearing as a brilliant white pegasus or a radiant golden stag. In any guise, he looks lit by the sun, even when he travels across the night sky.

Solaron personifies the sun, as the sun rises without fail every morning, so does Solaron value following oaths and bonds. Lawful testimony, and marriage vows are sworn on his name, for he can't tolerate the breaking of a solemn promise. He is the arbiter of morality, virtue, and honor.

The sun's nightly descent into darkness symbolizes bravery and self-sacrifice—the willingness to endure the horrors of the dark for the sake of others. Those who protect innocents in his name receive Solaron's favor.

As sunlight casts out darkness, Solaron's justice casts out chaos and lawlessness. He is the god of the laws that govern society and the laws that punish the wicked. He is interested not only in punitive justice, but also in the establishment of fair and equitable relationships among people and gods, in service to the common good. He also takes an interest in the bonds of family—the relationships that tie people most closely to each other.

The brilliance of Solaron's sun is impossible to ignore. Thus, virtually everyone on Rakunos pays at least grudging respect to the sun god in forms of worship that range from simple gestures to days-long celebrations.

Some families, follow a practice of bowing in the direction of dawn's first light in a gesture of respect for the sun god's light. More dedicated worshipers offer short litanies at dawn, noon, and dusk, acknowledging the sun's passage across the sky.

(Many of these ideas are taken from Heliod a deity in Theros)

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