Soranna Maj'savik

Soranna Maj'savik

Composed and beautiful, if you cross her the last thing you may hear is the entrancing bladesong of Soranna Maj'savik.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slender and graceful though very fit.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Soranna was born to Anna Maj'savik, High Priestess of Lolth in Aedis Selar, and (placeholder). Growing up she always loved reading books about great mages, none excited her more than the tale of the Bladesinger Istvela the Swift who was said to be able to slice through obsidian like butter. She pretended to be a blade singer often as a child and was scolded many a time for hurting other noble children while playing. She began her formal training at the age of 13, and took to it quickly.   When she entered as a student to the Arcane Institution of Aedis Selar in her second decade, she quickly caught the eye of Archwitch Evile. Evile assigned her assistant and consort, Esoteric Mage Uwyn, to train Soranna personally. Soranna grew quickly and was named Heir of Arcana before the age of 100, the youngest to ever receive the title.  


After Deora was exiled, Soranna became frustrated with her mother. She had always shown favoritism towards Soranna because she was her heir, but that was threatened when Soranna was named Heir of Arcana as well. Deanna would always love her prized daughter but in her eyes Soranna was not doing what she needed to in order to succeed her. In addition, the Chuch of Lolth and the Arcane Institution were fighting over Soranna like children fighting over a toy.   Eventually Soranna had enough of political non-sense and asked Archwitch Evile to be assigned to oversee the excavation of (placeholder), to get away from the political struggles.  


While overseeing the excavation, Soranna discovered a cave housing a sanctuary of some long lost deity. The cave was large and filled with pools of clear, warm water and plants growing around it. The cave seemed as though it allowed some light in from the surface even though the roof was solid. Inside the stone structure she found a shard of obsidian that appeared to be shaped like a thin sword like a rapier or estoc. Whenever sound was made in the chamber, it seemed to echo off of the sword. Soranna quickly identified it as a very powerful magic item, but the source of it's magic was unclear. Suddenly Soranna became absorbed understanding this strange piece of arcana; was it created by a mage? Maybe a weapon used in a great past war? Maybe it isn't arcane at all?   Eventually Soranna realized that she wouldn't be able to learn anything more about it while overseeing an excavation, but she dreaded the idea of dealing with the politics that she had abandoned. Just as she was about to concede and return to the Aedis Selar, an opportunity arose. A party of surface-dwellers came to free one of the slaves working on the excavation, and they were accompanied by none other than her sister Deora. She used this opportunity to fake her disappearance and leave the underdark in search of knowledge. This is where she met Ouroboros and has been accompanying them ever since.

Personality Characteristics


Soranna is primarily motivated by her pursuit of knowledge, primarily focusing on understanding divinity and why the gods are what they are.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Rather Prideful
  • Does not tolerate incompetence
  • Very impatient with religion


Family Ties


Deora - Sister When Soranna was in her fourth decade, Deora was always the less ambitious and more kind sister. Soranna liked to tease her but truly loves her sister. When Deora was very young Soranna would read her stories about the gods and their history. When she grew older, Soranna would sneak her into the Institution Library and read with her, which lead to the two discovering that Lolth is not the only drow deity. Deora began paying homage to Eilistraee in secret, only telling her sister about it. Until one day their mother discovered what Deora was doing and was forced to send her into exile.   Rhaast - Brother Before Soranna was even in her second decade, her mother gave birth to a boy, but Deanna took this as a bad omen and had the child brought to the surface and left to die. Soranna thought this was barbaric and would never forgive her mother for it. This event has been a great source of trauma to Soranna her whole life.  


Deanna - Mother Deanna always treated Soranna better than her siblings. She wouldn't let anything ever happen to her precious heir, but Soranna always felt like her mother expected everything of her and she wasn't allowed to be her own person.   (placeholder) - Father  


Tara - Handmaiden

A powerful drow wizard that has mastered the art of Bladesinging.

View Character Profile
Lawful Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Heir of Arcana Successor of the High Priestess
Date of Birth
7th of Tamirog, 1683
Aedis Selar
White with black and purple highlights
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light grey


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