The Shadowfell: New Mysteries Await! Report

General Summary

The Raven Queen spoke to the party. She wants them to potentially help her obtain some items in the future. All to help her defeat Zilnio - Ascended Archlich of Zilnor. But first she wants to test their abilities. She asks them to obtain the following: the head of a medusa, 5 pounds of Drider web fibers, and a book or copy of the book - Studies on the Undead - written by an elf, who lives at the Tower of Poralium. She then introduced Sebatroz, an entity that took the form of a large shadowy sword. He wants instructed to make a deal with Thalion Ku'ra if he wanted to gain her power and serve her. Thalion multiclassed into Warlock with Sebatroz, a hex-blade as his Patron. Sebatroz also empowered Thalion's sword Raven's Talon. The Raven Queen also empowered Rhandir's bow to gain more if it's former magical qualities. The Raven Queen left them with no other information as to the tasks she had given them. Qovira informed them she had elsewhere to be, and also couldn't teleport them again anyway. She instructed then to head to Shranillox, which has a portal to the material plane. This portal should take them into the mountains, just east of Kal'anin the childhood home of Thalion Ku'ra and Rhandir . The party embarked for Shranillox! On their way they were ambushed by 5 Shadow Mastiffs from behind. But as the hounds were almost finished off,a young shadow dragon swooped down and attacked the group. With many of them close to death, they finished off the dragon and scavenged it's corpse for parts. To the parties surprise, Qovira showed up in Raven form. She changed back as they kept looting the Dragon. She mentioned she was chasing the dragon and this was her other task to be completed. Qovira noticed the dragon seemed to have something in it and touched it dissolving the dragon and revealing a Flame Tongue Long Sword. The party continued on to Shrannilox to use the portal and get back to Ramoa...

Rewards Granted

Dragon parts Flame Tongue Long Sword

Character(s) interacted with

The Raven Queen Qovira
Plotting Plots
Puralax Lutier
Level 5 Shadar-Kai Chaotic Neutral Rogue 2, Ranger 3
/ 47 HP
Thalion Ku'ra
Level 6 Shadar-Kai Elf Chaotic Neutral Rogue Warlock
30 / 61 HP
Report Date
19 Jul 2019
Primary Location


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