Yaralfa (Country)

Yaralfa is the trade capital of the world. It's location between all 3 of the main continents allows them to trade with everyone have the best markets in the world. If you want to find something, there is a good chance it will be in Yaralfa.


Lead by the Trade Queen in Parashigo, and each of the 4 port cities has a Trade Prince. The 4 of them are known as the Trade Council. They meet with the Queen occasionally to discuss matters.


The culture in Yaralfa is based around being merchants, everyone is always trying to sell you something. Be it gear, jewelry, religion, food, or services, everyone's got something to sell, and in Yaralfa you can find anything. Bartering is also generally accepted, as well as equivalent trades as long as both sides accept.
People are generally friendly but might talk too much or start offering to trade a bit too quickly. Turning a profit is very important and wealth is status in a place like this.
Most people worship Zirta, Lady Luck herself, hoping she will bring them a bit of luck in their endeavors.

Public Agenda

Yaralfa always strive to increase their wealth and trade opportunities. Their rules and policies usually favor those making the most money, enabling them to make even more, as long as the country profits.
The development of a new Prototype Skyship in Zalkai is of huge interest to the Trade Council.


Each of the Port cities has a multitude of ships, and each of the cities including Parashigo has many carts traveling back and forth from the port cities to the Capital. They have lots of farms in their lush lands as well as lots of livestock. They export a lot of their livestock related goods.
Geopolitical, Country
Ruling Organization
Government System
Economic System
Market economy
Judicial Body
For a long time Yaralfa had punished thievery with death, to eliminate it as much as possible. But the previous trade Queen wanted a new solution, killing people doesn't bring more profit! So she paid some brilliant Gnome wizards and they came up with a magical slave collar. This slave collar can be programmed to only work a certain length of time, and they were contracted and paid to keep everything about it as secret as possible. Now when crimes are committed against another, especially thievery, you are punished with being their slave for an amount of time as decided by judges. The slave collars are only programmable by wizards trained by the original creators, and each of the 5 main cities in Yaralfa only had 2 wizards who take turns fulfilling this responsibility. In order to enforce proper usage of these slave collars, any improper use is punished with permanent slavery to the Trade Council. Although since the activation of the collars is essentially secret, misuse is kept to the minimum.   Slave collars: these are often known as Tethers. When someone is indentured to be a slave for someone else, the person to whom they are indentured (their Controller) is given a bracelet that tethers the slave to them. Without permission the slave cannot leave a certain radius of their Controller. They must follow commands given or experience intense pain for refusing. Commands that would make them commit crime however, do nothing. The more commands they refuse, the more their servitude is extended, they must be obeying their Controller to reduce their servitude.


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