Yaranda Hadao

The Sovereign Blade, King Yaranda Hadao

Yaranda is the current King of Jineum . He has led Jineum into a great age of prosperity and power. Mirari is one of the greatest cities in the world and he has worked to ensure its beauty, safety, and glory. Yaranda grew up a prince in the palace of Mirari with his mother as ruler since his father died when he was very young. Although he is benevolent, he is also just and doesn't fudge on his rules and positions of power within the world. He is also an accomplished fighter and wields 2 axes in battle as force fiercely as his best soldiers, he is getting old however.

Physical Description

Body Features

Small scar on right side chin

Special abilities

The Jeweled Halo of Jineum grants him some abilities.

Specialized Equipment

Beautifully adorned, but masterfully crafted axes

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Yaranda grew up a prince in the palace of Mirari with his mother as ruler since his father died when he was very young.


Royal Tutors taught him his entire life. He learned about combat strategy from 3 different generals over the years.

Personality Characteristics


Keep his kingdom prosperous and powerful


Religious Views

Worships Sarosa and Karash
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Sovereign Blade of Jineum. King of Jineum.
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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