History of the Unified Lands of Antochus (ULA)

The ULA was formerly 5 different countries, constantly bickering and at war with one another. Then came Antochus, who was a great human leader. He unified 5 lands constantly at war, to come under the same banner. They now seek to unify all of Dorimov if possible.

  • 320

    Nation of Gabash founded (east coast)

  • 330

    Nation of Ikoyar founded (center near the mountains)

  • 356

    Nation of Kaw’dur founded (south by the lake)

  • 362

    Nation of Yimmara founded (south-west)

  • 368

    Nation of Arewan founded (north-west)

  • 917

    The Schism War starts
    Military: War

    The 5 nations of the north (listed above) start fighting over borders and land. Ikoyar suffers the most as they are in the middle of it all, while Arewan was the most protected, but they fought to move down the coast lines to get more and better land. The wars are chaotic with warfronts constantly changing as the 5 nations war. (The conflict stayed out of Ithmareon because they had the Wyvern knights to protect their lands)

  • 1255

    Antochus is born in Ikoyar
    Life, Birth

  • 1275

    Antochus joins the Ikoyar army
    Life, Career

  • 1300

    Antochus becomes the General of the Ikoyar army
    Life, Career

  • 1304

    Antochus changes tactics
    Military action

    Antochus changes the war and inspires his army to kill as little as possible, and they march directly into the capital of Gabash and force their leader to join him to save both of their people.

  • 1305

    Antochus marches on Kaw’dur
    Military action

  • 1306

    Antochus marches on Yimmara, and north to Arewan.
    Military action

  • 1307

    The Schism War ends
    Diplomatic action

    The Schism war ends after 390 years. Antochus has brought the 5 nations all together in unity.

  • 1308

    Antochus City Founded

    The capital of Ikoyar is established as the capital of a new country, the Unified Lands of Antochus.

  • 1320

    Antochus dies in peace
    Life, Death

    Antochus dies in peace at age 65. The capital of Ikoyar is renamed to Antochus City in his honor.