
I hear the ticking in the night as the second hand makes its progress around the circle. I wonder to myself why we decided to keep track of our lives passing. Who first thought it was important to divide our days and why. Also, what kind of marketing did it take to get everyone to go along with the idea. Candles were made to track time. Hourglasses. Town criers. Why though? Why count down our lives one tick at a time?   Okay, I realize that's a bit silly. I mean, no one really uses analog clocks anymore. Most don't even have a flashing second hand on their phone or computer [though it is still a setting the last time I checked]. Hourglasses made no noise, nor did the burning candles, though I did hear a tale of making them with something that would spark or sizzle on the hour so maybe they sort of did?   The tick of the clock is driving me crazy though. I lay here, wishing for sleep and instead hearing how long it has been since I lay down, and how soon now I will need to get up. Seconds, minutes and hours of my life ticked away.   I'm not sure how to feel about life draining away. I mean, aware or not it's happening, right? I think I would rather not be aware. I think it would be better to smash the clock and free myself from time. Would that work? My sleep-deprived brain says it will. It tells me that without that ceaseless ticking I would no longer have a set time to get up, or sleep, or eat, or any of a million little slots I have built into my day. I could still do all the things I wanted to get done, but I wouldn't need to worry about 'when' they got done. I would no longer feel like I needed to control my life. I would be free to simply live it.


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