
I used to say I wanted to be incorporeal. How fun would it be to pass through walls, listen to conversations that were private, visit the tombs of Egyptian kings without risk of traps? Yeah. Not so much. It might be cool if you could be incorporeal at will, and return at will. If you just are incorporial it's a completely different story. It just straight up sucks. By definition you cannot touch anything or talk to anyone. You don't get to eat the yummy food you can see. You no longer get to talk to friends or pet cute animals.   I haven't been incorporeal for long and already I am bored. I can't surf the web or watch TV unless someone else is already doing those things and then I don't get a say in any of it. I watch people eating my favorite foods. I can visit all of my favorite places, but I can't shop or try out new games.   I also haven't seen any other incorporeals. Are there more? Are there more and I just can't see them or interact with them. That would really suck! Maybe they all hang out together somewhere and I just need to find them?   Turns out that there are others and that I can talk to them and even feel something when we touch. They all hang out together in the park over on Harris Street. When I asked why, they basically said, why not? I mean, why hang out at a restaurant when we can't eat. Why go to the mall when you can't shop? The park though, you can enjoy the park even if all you can really do is look. Good point, right?   We all hang out there on and off. Individually we might go to visit friends or whatever we're interested in, but on the whole we are here together because it just feels better to be together. None of us is sure how we got to be this way.   It would be easy to say that we died, but I don't remember dying and no one seems to be mouring me (I really hope they would miss me!). In fact, no one ever mentions me. I ask around the group and the general consensus seems to be that we just disappeared. No one remembers us at all. We simple became completely incorporeal.


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