Princess Cassandra
Queen Regent Cassandra Altman (a.k.a. Evanlyn)
Physical Description
Body Features
Slim and not very tall. She is in quite good physical condition as well, having led an active life and keeping fairly fit.
Facial Features
She has a round face with a lightly angled jaw, she has full lips and small curved nose with striking green eyes under curved brows.
Physical quirks
She is, as a princess, graceful in her movements. She is straight backed and confident in her demeanor.
Specialized Equipment
Sling - Evanlyn teaches herself to use the sling. She used to practice it as a child with her cousins but stopped using it after she had to start learning the skills of a princess. Evanlyn continues to use it until she is very skilled and accurate.
Mental characteristics
She has been tutored in politics and languages. She has a talent for negotiating, and retaining a clear mind in situations where other might have become confused. As a princess, it was necessary to learn the traditional skills of an Araluen lady, notably needlework.
Accomplishments & Achievements
She first played a vital role in the burning of Morgarath's bridge. She then nursed Will Treaty back to health and cured him of his addiction to warm weed after their ordeal as slaves in Skandia. While in Skandia she helped direct a force of archers in the battle for Hallasholm, then after the battle she signed the treaty of Hallasholm, allying Skandia and Araluen. She aided in the ransom and rescue of Oberjarl Erak in Arrida, negotiating his release and taking part in defeating the Tualaghi Bandits. She also helped the Emperor of Nihon-Ja end a rebellion by helping secure the support of the Hasanu by, with the help of Alyss, killing the snow tiger known as Kyofu.
Mental Trauma
She is deathly afraid of Wargals as a result of her experiences in Celtica when her party was attacked by them.
Morality & Philosophy
She is generally opposed to violence, even against her enemies. She stuck the Tualaghi leader Yusal Makali in the forehead with her sling, causing brain damage. Ever since then she has felt a sense of guilt. She once was opposed to hunting before her experiences in Skandia, but has since then she has started hunting for pleasure around Castle Araluen, but still making use of all the animals she kills.
Personality Characteristics
Savvies & Ineptitudes
She is extremely good at using the sling, but is unable to master fencing or other forms of swordsmanship. She dislikes needlepoint but she is very good at it and has been able to use it in various situations.
Likes & Dislikes
She absolutely detests the restrictions of life at court, and one of her least favorite things is needlepoint. She also enjoys hunting and being active.
Virtues & Personality perks
She is strong willed and determined, as well as courageous. She is able to stay calm in stressful situations, and retain a clear mind. She also is a fast learner and can adapt to certain situations.
Vices & Personality flaws
She is stubborn and impulsive, with a quick temper. She was also raised as a princess and therefore rather spoiled.
Family Ties
Queen Deborah (grandmother)
King Oswald (grandfather)
King Duncan (father)
Queen Rosalind (mother)
Horace Altman (husband)
Madelyn Altman (daughter)
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Crown Princess of Araluen (formerly),
Queen Regent of Araluen
Year of Birth
628 C.E.
47 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Her mother was having a difficult pregnancy, and she was taken to Woldon Abbey. She successfully birthed Cassandra, one month early, but died shortly after. Cassandra was then taken to Castle Araluen by Ranger Commandant Crowley.
Woldon Abbey
Current Residence
Castle Araluen
Green, known to be quite striking.
Golden-blonde with streaks of grey.
Small in stature.
Aligned Organization