Somick Drow Ethnicity in Rassoran | World Anvil
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Somick Drow

Description and location-   The drow live mostly in the nation of Somick, a desolate and barren land. The dark elves live in underground cities beneath the deserts that coat most of the southern tip of the continent.     Gods-   3 Cultural Aspects-   Originally captured by mind flayers, the drow have retained some of the psyionic powers left over from that period.   The drow have a hard time in sunlight, their sensitive skin and eyes making bright light painful to them. AS a result, they are rarely seen above ground, especially not during the day time.   They believe that only the strong (physically or mentally) deserve freedom. And so they continue to seek to be the strongest themselves, determined that they will never bow to the will of another people again.   Reputation-   They are known for their psyonic abilities which are not easily countered, making them a dangerous and powerful adversary. Taken in addition to the size of their nation and their imperial ambitions, the Somicks are seen as the greatest current threat on the continent, and any drow is naturally assumed to be working with them.   Relationship with other local ethnicities-   The drow hold dominion over the other races of the region, the most notable of which being the Hobgoblins, which serve faithfully under their psionic rule are warriors, and patrol the surface holdings.   They also partner with Durgard, or under dwarves, in much the same way the elves and dwarves partnered in the north. There is a mutual respect, and a shared history of slavery under the mind flayers.    Theyu despise the nations of the north, seeing the humans as soft up and commers, and the elves and dwarves as traitors who abandoned their ancestors to the mind flayers.    History-   The drow were once simply a sect of high elves, before they were over time captured and then enslaved by the mind flayers. The elves eventually drove the mind flayers back to the underdark, but they took a significant portion of the population with them.    The drow and duregard eventually rebeled and earned their freedom, begining to restart their civilisation which grew even as the elvin empires of the north crumbled.    Other Notes-


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