Apocryphus Spire (əˈpɒkrɪfʌs ˈspaɪə)

Even in a city with a skyline marred by twisting spires and seemingly endless towers, only one demanded the attention of the purpose-bound Haunt. Constructed at the center of the capital it stood, no, loomed over the rest of Spire. His eyes searched for a part of this construction to make sense but the more he stared, the more impossible it seemed. Light did not reflect off its obviously metallic frame but instead bent around the structure, circling it in dim halos that slowly rose up the tower until they were lost in the malevolent smog that blocked out the natural sky. The spires featureless walls, which he could not count, presented no way for him to determine who or why it was constructed.
The First Spire. Apocryphus. Tower of Engineer Drawnach. He knew the many names of the Monolith of Spire and had read many tomes that tried to divine its purpose. But he knew the truth. The Old Ways had spoken to him as it had spoken to many of his kind before him. The Apocryphus Spire contained the knowledge of the unknowable, the darkest secrets of the Cosmos, and more importantly - how to reach the Veil.


Constructed during the height of the First Engineer's power, the Apocryphus Spire is a monolithic structure whos purpose is only spoke of in myth and rumor. It has the appearance of a black, metallic dodecagon that slowly rotates itself throughout the day. With no obvious doors, no windows, or any other signs of entry many have come to just accept it unquestioningly as part of the landscape, like a malignant mountain.

General Information

Parent Location


The continent of Spire is named after the First Engineer capital of Spire which was named after the Apocryphus Spire.


To the Warlocks of the Old Ways, the Apocryphus Spire should be considered a Reliquarium and worshipped as such. Entire chapters have dedicated their lives to unlocking the secrets held within the great spire. No attempts, magical or mundane, have managed to even dent its surface let alone allow access to the contents within.

Cover image: by Logo by Garret Grace Lewis, base image created by Leonardo.ai, and edited by Oneriwien.


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Jul 24, 2023 15:25 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I like the 'Barron is so nice'. XD   'malignant mountain' is such a great description.

Jul 25, 2023 03:17 by Damion Otter

I forgot to remove it after stream hahahaha

Primary author of the NobleDark, Fantasy setting Realms of Ravare.
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