Church of Law


Dedicated to the Domain of Laws and more specifically Lawsman, the Church of Law has dedicated itself to maintaining order through the end of the world. Most settlements do not have dedicated places of congregation for the Church, instead building small shrines to the Lawsman within their local sheriff's office.


While other Churches of Hallus entrust the spreading of their beliefs through pastors, the Church of Law teaches that only through direct works can you truly spread order. Because of this, most pastors take up positions of sheriffs in settlements to keep safety and order both physically and spiritually.

Acts of Judgement

Another profession that is sought out by the most faithful of the church is that of judges or excecutions, often combining the role if they are allowed. Special rites are performed that allow the soul of the excecuted to be given to the Lawsman instead of their correct faith.

General Information

Alternative Names
Clergy of Law

Fear over Faith

Because the Church has taken control over much of the law enforcement roles across the realm, many remain members out of fear rather than faith. Those few places left untouched by the Church of Law are said to be places of low morals, high crime, and extreme violence. How much of this is fear-mongering propaganda is up to the listener.


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