

Challenging and deceptive, Coilkin is the Fading Divine of Snakes and Poison. As a direct antogonist to the warm-blooded, Coilkin is fading from common conciousness as the SunFade led to the death of most cold-blooded Sophonts. Now Coilkin has found purpose is trying to revive their dead followers from beyond the grave to the disgust of the Lady of the Black Mines and her followers.

General Information

Divine Classification
Fading Divine
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Last Fang, Slither Lord
Divine Symbol
A single large fang. Sometimes depicted dripping several drops of a green liquid.

Quick Notes

  • It is believed Coilkin slayed the original Snake Godbeast of Hallus to claim their domain.
  • Encourages necromancy as an important practice to their few remaining followers.
  • Divine Domains


    When Hallus was a realm of warmth, much of the population, sophontic or otherwise, was cold-blooded in nature. Coilkin was the specific deity of snakes in all their forms and iterations.


    The priests of Coilkin were master apothecarists who were greatly skilled at both creating and using poisons. Entire temples were dedicated to raising and harvesting various deadly snakes for their venoms and leather.

    Cover image: by Logo by Garret Grace Lewis, edited by Oneriwien.


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