Crossroad Demon (ˈkrɔsˌroʊd ˈdimən)
Part species, part natural phenomonon the Crossroad Demon is an entity capable of making the impossible possible but always at a price. Their origin has been shroaded in misinformation and half-truths supplied by the demons themselves. Each one is as a varied as the Sophonts they prey upon with their physical forms crafted to represent their unique personality. One thing that remains constant is their ability to speak directly to your wants or needs, a constant nagging on your sanity that has broken down even the strongest wills.
Often those that make deals with Crossroad Demons do so out of a need such as food, warmth, or medical aid. But some, those that may have spent their time too long around a crossroad or two, can hear the whispers that sound like intrusive thoughts speaking to them. Each whisper becoming more persistant than the last, offering an actionable remedy for love, for hate, for violence.
This article feels like one of those things that is simultaneously obvious and something I never would have thought of myself. Your description of the demons "nagging at your sanity," feels really visceral, and I want to know more! I want to know more about their different physical forms and stories of people who tried to fend them off (has anyone succeeded? How did it change them?) I'm guessing that you didn't have the time to flesh this out before Summer Camp ended, but I really hope you come back to it later. (Please let me know if you do, I want to read it!)