

Once-great practitioners of the Old Ways of steel and lightning, drifters reshaped their humanoid bodies with necromantic magic to survive the SunFade. With their new form, they now thirst for elemental fire to fuel their inner flame.


Drifters are united in a quest to undo the SunFade and restore the realm's former glory. However, there is much disagreement about the means used to meet this goal. Some are hell-bent on fulfilling their task, taking any steps necessary to acquire resources and knowledge from other realms.

Endless Hunger

A side effect of their transformation is an insatiable thirst for heat to fuel their survival. Starved drifters - as they are referred to - are often outcasts, deprived from their source of energy they are often more desperate and quick to lash out. In this decaying state, their inner flame is more vulnerable opening them up to attacks that draw heat.


On occasion, drifters recruit other Sophonts to help their quest; seeking out sources of elemental fire, advanced technology or powerful allies that can aid their cause.
Beings bound to their lingering power also hunger for heat and flame. In return, drifters arm their underlings with eldritch firearms once common on Hallus.
For more information on these underlings, Otherwordly Patron: The Drifter.

Faithful Companions

Drifters are often accompanied by shade hounds, these dog-like creatures were the original test subjects for their necrotic transformation. More have been created since those original tests as they have proved useful in the drifters’ endless quest. Even outside of combat using their keen senses to hunt out heat sources.

General Information

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