Grog Withersbane


Speaking with the trees, studying with beasts, and forsaking civility Grog Withersbane is an ancient Life Conduit who has survived millennia. With a life better measured on the scale of empires rather than generations, Withersbane has the knowledge of things not even known to the Divine. This is also why it is so unfortunate their lifespan has driven categorically insane.

Life Conduit

With impecable control over Life Prime, Grog Withersbane has extended their lifespan to the extremes. Several myths within Auctus and Venarus about them claim they feed on the life force of others to sustain themselves.


Mortal minds have no safeguards to the cruelties one witnesses surviving several lifetimes. As each century passed, Withersbane's psyche fractured further until they were less civil than a rabid animal. Still, many seek out "Mad Dog Withers" to learn from their stories or train under their tutelage. Few survive this.

General Information

Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Three-Wood Witness, HighElm TreeLord, True Soul, Old Oak, Mad Dog Withers
Over 3,000 years.
They have forgotten.

Three-Wood Witness

Born on Iraptus, Withersbane may be the only living Sophont who was around during the Three-Wood Birth. Any mention of the events can lead to violent outburts.

Relations to the Wild Hunt

Grog Withersbane is an advisor to the Wild Hunt of Venarus and has joined them on several hunts.


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