Three-Wood Birth Physical / Metaphysical Law in Ravare | World Anvil

Three-Wood Birth


During the 24th Creation, an invasion of storms landed on the verdant groves and primeval forests of Iraptus. Such was the devastating success of this invasion that the realm fractured into three. Iraptus, now no longer dominated by Primal Life, became a shadow of its former self known to us now as Venarus. The forests that were seperated by the chaotic Muddle would become Heimus and Caligus after several thousand years of growth.

General Information

Realmic Disaster

Fractured Three

Akin to how an Arborist may prune the rot from an ailing tree, Iraptus chose to shatter itself to survive.

Shadow and Storm

That which was utterly infected with Storm was first to be removed, so that the Muddle could be contained. This region would become the Realm of Caligus.

Life and Storm

Next, a graft realm was cut to grow again. Unfortunately, this sapling was cut from an ill core and would grow into the fey-touched realm of Heimus.

Shadow and Life

Finally, cured of the invasion, Iraptus was lost in the trauma of war and gave in to shadows that thrived under its boughs to become the realm of Venarus.

Invasion Force

It is known to the Ring Speakers of Venarus that the invasion was heralded by the ancient Storm Wyrm Golodran but the motives have been lost to time. Devoted to chaos, creatures and adherents of Storm are rarely capable of gathering in cohesive groups long enough for organized action making this invasion a unique disaster unlikely to ever occur again. Soldiers of this invasion can still be found hunting anything foolish enough to wander into the Muddle of Caligus.
Forests, old.
Forests, remember.
Forests, scream.
— Gorg Withersbane, Noble Soul


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Jul 4, 2024 22:43 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Well, that certainly was a largescale disaster. It's a shame the graft realm of Heimus didn't quite work out as intended.

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