Introduction to Haven
Summary Introduction
Haven is one of four major territories within the Solith located on the Western shores, below Moorwald and Westernly adjacent to Los'Mozakas. The insurmountable mountain range that makes up the Throat of the World keeps Haven fairly isolated from the rest of Solith.
Due to the events of Lady Death's fall nearly a hundred years ago, much of Haven's population is condensed into large cities known as Capitals. During the Fall, only cities that were self-sufficient were able to survive the Unfallen plague leading to much of Haven being uninhabited by the living.
Now, in the wake of Lady Death's Rebirth, every Capital with an army to muster claims once-abandoned land as their own. As they encroach on their neighbors, this expansionist colonization comes at an ever-increasing cost of resources and the safety of Haven's Sophonts.
Ten years have passed since Lady Death was brought back from the brink of death. Though the world rejoiced at her return, consequences unseen were quick to fall upon the land. With the threat of the Unfallen having passed, the people that had once locked themselves behind the walls of their large cities have grown restless and seek to move out and expand their control over the lands of Haven once more. But with each push to stake claim to the land, it feels almost as if nature itself is fighting back against the conquerors.Shardholm, often considered the most successful of the capitals, has been at the forefront of this expansion. Lady Holm has made it the priority of her people to claim as much of the Verdant Expanse as they are able, even going as far as renaming the Western coast to the Shardlands.To maintain order in this new realm of unhindered colonization and rampant expansionism the Capital of Shardholm has mustered together a new military branch formed of loosely connected mercenaries known as the Vanguards. Barely formed and roughly trained, these Vanguards are given minimal equipment and kept on a tight leash.Our history begins here with the first of the Vanguards. Tasked with the protection of the Shardlands, they are sent to investigate claims of a corrupted and contaminated water source, the Resting River, which supplies much-needed freshwater to the Shard of Restbrook. While this first task seems small in scale, mysteries and conflicts will arise surrounding the dawn of the “Elemental Corruption”. Only together will the 1st Vanguard survive the ordeals that will come to pass, and hopefully see their service through.
High Fantasy
Haven is a realm filled with magic and wonder. Sophonts of all kinds walk it's surface and dig in it's depths, wielding the devastating forces of magic as if it would not and could not be their undoing. Extraordinary oddities shape the land, from the terrifying First Men Towers, to the blessed Runic Runegates of Tennant, to the destructive wastes of the Scourgelands.
Madness Lurks
Violence. Homicide. Cannibalism. Necrophilia. In a twisted world void of morality, compassion, and civil decency, there exists a deep and hungering madness. This very madness is worshipped like a god and held above all others. Those with the will to resist its call are often broken by those who have accepted it with zeal.
Life After Death
The creatures of Haven are influenced by death, but not held down by it. Some corpses will rise to torment the living once more. Other monsters fade away to return another night. Sophonts themselves once rose to become Unfallen in years past. Even Lady Death was reborn from the bring. Death may not be final for everything.
Great explanation! ...and you have done something PERFECTLY that I have yet to do correctly on my own world -- and that's linking enough on each page. I think you've done yourself and us readers a deep justice in making sure we can jump to what interests us next.
Storyteller, Cartoonist,..pretty awesome friend =)
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