Warlocks of the Steelworks


As the other sects found themselves at odds with the people of Hallus through worship, the Warlocks of the Steelworks have made it their cause to rally the realm under a single banner. They have given up faith on the return of the sun's warmth and instead have focused on surviving in its absence.

On Fortification

Much of the Warlocks of the Steelworks preaching is also educational, offering to teach any that join their ranks knowledge of engineering, architecture, and metallurgy. Any settlement that welcomes them will find their walls reinforced with steel, their homes tempered to survive the cold, and much of their public infrastructure maintained at no cost.

On Unification

As a core facete of their teachings, the Steelworkers believe that to survive alone is to not truly survive. They welcome any and all under their protection as long as they are willing to work. Those that do not produce find no shelter from the cold.

On Defiance

The final teachings of the Steelworker is to defy those that cling to the past. It was the actions of past leaders that began the SunFade and they should be treated as criminal tyrants. Statues are to be torn down, museums to be defiled, and ancient laws to be ignored.

Together; Defiance

General Information

Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Steelworkers, Steelocks

Exoteric Influence

The Warlocks of the Steelworks do not shy away from accusations of consorting with exoteric forces in their quest for knowledge. It is rumored that even much of the metal they acquire is bargained for from other realms.

Cover image: by Logo by Garret Grace Lewis, edited by Oneriwien.


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