Raven's Keep Consortium

Created by

Editorial Team

Welcome to the (RKC) Wiki

    Welcome to the official wiki of the Raven's Keep Consortium (RKC), a medium-heavy role-playing community. This wiki serves as the central repository for all our custom storylines, non-player characters (NPCs), locations, and comprehensive system books and information. It is designed to be a resource for both new members seeking to learn about our world for the first time and veteran players looking to deepen their engagement with our ongoing narratives.   At RKC, we pride ourselves on creating a dynamic and interactive environment that allows for personal advancement and story development. Our systems are created to ensure that achievements and progress feel well-earned and that they reflect the effort and creativity of our members.   As always, if you need any assistance with anything within this wikipedia or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our officer team via ticket in the official Discord.  

Our Lore Team

  Behind the scenes, our Lore Team works (often thanklessly) to expand the universe of Raven's Keep and we wouldn't be where we are without their assistance. Meet the talented individuals who help bring our stories to life and record them for your viewing pleasure:   Gael: Gael joins the team with a background coming from D&D 5th Edition and Pathfinder 2nd Edition as a Game Master, with 7 years of working on stories and worlds that feel lived in and move with purpose. Gael also serves in-game as the Head of the Records Department.
    Tefh: Naga is a life-long Sci-fi/Fantasy nut and lore enthusiast, bringing nearly 20 years of free-form and dice-light RP experience, as well as a hyperactive character design obsession and a love of worldbuilding.
  Z: Resident Lore Nut with an emphasis on worldbuilding and multi-part storytelling. PS. Mae, I submitted it, can you leave me be?
    Mae: I'm a long time DM, though I usually have a few other projects on the side. I enjoy working on systems and design for TTRPGs.   Yrys: Syl is a long time writer and RPer of 20 years, with a focus on Free-Form Paragraph Forum RP. Perma DM and Mortal Avatar of the Caffiene gods. Why does my to-do list never get shorter?
  Ement: Ement goes through periods of writing way too much and way too little. He's got a habit of flowery language and could sometimes stand for a shorter word count with descriptions.
  Nox: Nox has been helping write and especially edit things for this community ever since, years ago, they submitted to Staff a thirty-or-so page critique detailing everything “wrong” in the books. In hushed prophecy it is stated that one day they shall reveal an even longer critique, and all shall tremble before it.
  Jamie: Storyteller with a science background. I like to focus on setting information, unique NPCs, and metaphysical concepts.