The Lady of Ravens

The Lady of Ravens is the enigmatic Darklord of the Isle of Ravens in the Sea of Sorrows.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Lady of Ravens grew up on an unknown world of the Prime Material Plane. She was the only child of a noble family who had been brought to madness by isolation and inbreeding. Her status isolated her, and she soon learned to shun human companionship in favor of the ravens which made their home in the Tower of Flint at the castle's center. She, like all her family, could speak to the ravens, and they became her only friends—until the day when she became enamored of a young man of the castle who hardly knew she existed. She convinced herself he was in love with her but was too shy to reveal himself.
The young man went away to war, and on his return the Lady waited for him to come to her and declare his love. Instead, he returned to his own love, a young woman of the castle whom the Lady had never so much as noticed. Enraged by the "betrayal" of her love, the Lady whipped the ravens into a frenzy and had them murder her "lover" and his intended while she wept in the Tower of Flint. When she emerged, she found herself alone—and that the ravens who had been her friends were now no more than extensions of her body, lost to her as companions forever.

Gender Identity

Neutral Evil
Current Location
Known Languages
Ruled Locations


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