Tristen ApBlanc

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tristen ApBlanc was born amid tragedy, the son of a vampire father and a human noble. His parents were murdered by fearful villagers, leaving Tristen to be adopted by local druids. But during his teenage years, Tristen's dhampir nature revealed itself. When the druids discovered the youth's hunger for blood, they cast him out, but Tristen grew enraged and slaughtered the druids, draining them all. The sacred waters of the druids' rituals had infused their blood, though, making it poison to the half-vampire. Tristen died with his adopted family, but as the Mists closed in around their sacred stone circle, he rose as a ghost. Unexpectedly, with the new dawn, Tristen's dhampir body was restored. Now, Tristen lives by day, a perpetually young, charming, inention-obsessed dhampir dwelling in Castle Tristenoira, the smoking fortress his goblin servants built over the druid circle of his one-time family. At night, though the dhampir dies a painful death, in his spectral form, and seeks to scour all that is green and vibrant in the land.
Neutral Evil
Known Languages
Common, Druidic
Ruled Locations


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