Rowan Westari

Rowan Westari

Rowan witnessed a terrible event in which he saw his brother, whom he loved and trusted, kill their father and flee the scene. Rowan briefly was blamed for this, having been found at the scene, but when the truth was revealed Rowan went to the elders of his village of Emberhallow and decreed that he would either bring his brother home or pass the judgement of the village in their stead (the judgement being death for the patricide). Rowan shed his family name and spent the next 100 years attempting to find his brother and failing. Twice he found him and twice he failed to exact punishment. He believes his brother must be cursed, however his brother had the opportunity to murder him too and has not done so.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rowan and his brother, Theris, grew up together, training together under the watchful eye of their father, Llilen Oakenlight, who also operated on the village council. They were close, as brothers. Theris was older, and so often went with his father on travels. Rowan knew little about these adventures, except that when he became of age he would also join them. Before that opportunity arose, however, Theris and Llilen embarked on a trip and upon their return Rowan could see a change in his brother. His father refused to comment on it, and claimed that it would pass, but Rowan felt he could see a darkness growing between them, specifically in his brother. But his concerns were shut down and so, while he stopped trying to talk to his family about it, he did throw himself into what he felt was his druidic calling in the hopes of solving the mystery of his brothers darkness.   This went on for a year to the day, neither his father or brother embarked on any more trips outside of the village at that time. Theris killed Llilen, stabbing his father through the heart with what Rowan has always believed to be a cursed blade, though he had no proof of this. Regardless, he saw his brother stab his father and he knew then that whatever darkness he had seen growing had overtaken his brother completely. Theris fled, his dark task completed, and left without a trace leaving Rowan to stay with his father while he died as he lacked the skills he needed to heal him.   Members of the council found Rowan, clutching his dying father, and at first tried to blame this act on him. Rowan at the time did not fight this, so consumed by guilt and rage. It was days before Merva, his mentor, and Rosa Merryhorn (a childhood friend) managed to get through to him, and get the true story. While most understood that it had to have been Theris, the trust was now gone. Rowan went to the council and told them that he would be leaving the village because he had to find his brother and either cleanse him of whatever foul spirit had overtaken him, or to stop him from killing others. The council decreed that he should bring his brother home, and so he agreed to try, but doesn’t see that being a viable option.   Rowan decided to strip himself of his Elvish name, and told himself he could not earn that title until his task was completed. Ren was his childhood name, so Rowan became an expansion of that as he felt the necessity to connect himself to the trees in which adorned the home he grew up in that brought him comfort. Westari was a character in a story his father used to tell as a child.   However, in the last eighty years Rowan has found his brother only twice and both times ended very badly. Rowan fears he is not strong enough to defeat his brother, and in his heart he knows that his brother is likely gone. But this he sees as his only calling.       --------------   Theris killed Llilen when Rowan came of adult age, so around 100 Then Rowan spent the next several decades looking for him through Tal’Dorei. He spent a lot of time in the first 20 years around Sygorn, and although he met a lot of people he never made any attempts to make any real connections with people. He was just trying to find his brother. Eventually got a lead and tracked him to Kymal. Rowan tried to capture his brother, but realising Theris had grown in power, tried to take him down. Failed miserably. Nearly died. Theris got away.   It took another long period of time for Rowan to find any traces of his brother. And in fact, it was his brother who found him on the road near Gatshadow mountain. Theris tried to speak to Rowan, to persuade him to leave him be, as he tried to tell him what he claimed to be the truth of the matter. A fight broke out, Rowan wouldn’t listen, and he woke up in Westrun with no knowledge how he got there, and no leads on his brother.


Raised in Emberhollow to persue druidic practices.

Mental Trauma

Seeing your brother murder your dad might fuck you up a bit.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Got some trust issues.


Contacts & Relations

Merva Sianrum (AKA Meadowbrook) Merva is a high elf with long silver hair that reaches all the way down her back, that she always has in a plait. She is not originally from the area, though she has never divulged where she is from, but she found her ways into the village through invitation from Arathorn. She uses a holly staff, though she gifted Rowan his rowan wood staff. She is a warm, kind person who most often takes the form of an owl in her beast shape. She is often considered one of the wisest members of the community, though she is not the leader. Her spells are mostly transmutation, divination type spells and she never uses her spells to cause harm. She is particularly good at communing with nature directly.         Arathorn Daren - the village leader and archdruid. Looks like Saruman with black hair, also uses a rowan staff. Has been the village leader for longer than Rowan has been alive and he is the one who gives out jobs to the members of the community - he is the one who tasked Theris and Llilen in finding out more about a cursed object in the area. Did not know, or would ever expect, Theris to have kept it for himself. Feels somewhat responsible, but mostly angry that Theris brought it into the village. He is in favour of killing Theris because of the murder of Llilen, who was also his friend. He specialises in evocation spells.     Rosa Merryhorn - a dwarf who came to the village to learn druidic practice, has done so well she will likely join the council one day. She helped Merva heal Rowan when he had his total breakdown. She knew Rowan well when he was younger, but Rowan always intended to follow his fathers footsteps and go into being a protector of the village. Rosa was the opposite and wanted to focus on healing and using the power of nature to help people. So they drifted a little as they grew, their focus on their teachings, but she came and helped him when he needed it most. She believes she can heal Theris if Rowan brings him home. She is just over 4ft tall, with wild brown hair often plaited with seasonal flowers.     Llilen Oakenlight Rowan’s father and member of the council, responsible for the protections of the village, though he answered to Arathorn. He looked more physically opposing than the average elven druid, so Rowan didn’t look a lot like him (Looks like a less jacked Klaus from the comic book of the same name). Was training Theris to take his place. Had an oak staff, and specialised in evocation magic with a minor specialty in necromantic magics that was a little frowned on by others. Often took the form of a large, red-black dire wolf but was also a skilled fighter with a longsword. Requiem is a silver longsword with the hilt decorated with oak leaves. It was a magical blade, intended for Theris, who was supposed to become the next protector of the village. It went missing when Llilen was killed, though it took some time for anyone to discover this.   Ayda Oakenlight - Rowan’s mother who died when he was very young. She was tall and slim and Rowan more-so takes after her. She wasn’t on the village council but was a guardian too. She also had a rowan wood staff and was a close friend to Merva. Rowan doesn’t remember her much at all. She died, he was told, protecting the village.         Theris Oakenlight Brother of Rowan, Theris shares a strong resemblance to his brother, but where Rowan takes after his mother Theris more-so takes after his father. Where Rowan has long hair he keeps tied back, Theris hair is redder, more like their mother’s, and he keeps it short. He has scarred hands, and looks physically stronger than Rowan. Theris was raised as a druid, but has since changed. Theris and Rowan always had a strong relationship, but something happened and he became tainted. Rowan believes he is under the control of a cursed weapon, but he actually has no proof of this. Theris could be cursed, or this is who he is and he had his own reasons for killing Llilen. He stole his fathers sword (Requiem) when he killed him. However, Rowan has not seen him use this sword. He just carries it with him.

Hobbies & Pets

Will speak to and attempt to befriend most animals quite frankly.
chaotic good


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