
A young and ambitious Precognitive Mage. Dream is motivated by a personal tragedy that happened to her family who were falsely accused and punished by the guild. She's determined to use her powers of divination to prevent similar injustices from happening to others, so she dedicated herself to use her abilities and her position in the senate to push for a more fair and just legal system.   Despite her small size and seemingly delicate nature, Dream is a force to be reckoned with and will stop at nothing to ensure that the law is upheld and that justice is served for everyone, not just for the powerful. Her ultimate goal is to become a powerful and respected member of the Senate, using her abilities to bring about positive change in the guild and in the city of Ravnica as a whole and make sure that no innocent person will suffer as her family did.  


Contacts & Relations

The Loxodon Shuli, is her childhood friend and current Cirlcle of the Land Druid of the Selesnya Guild. Kind and gentle to a fault and fierce to her devotion of protecting and preserving the gifts of Mat’Selesnya.

Family Ties

Uncle Yavia is a judge of the Sova Colum and her closest personal relationship. He adopted her and her brother when their parents were arrested and prosecuted. Often stoic in his professional life, his heart shines for his niece and nephew. He often serves as a counselor, advising her through difficult cases. Rain or shine, he'll always have time for her.   Brother Flax is an Elecutor, serving as an emmisary between the Boros Guild. Nearly a young man at the time of this parents arrest, he's worked hard to repay his gratitude to his uncle and help his younger sister move on and build a new life. With respect to his uncle, he's had nothing but a clean reputation and always strives for peace during his negation between guilds. Dream does her best to make her brother proud, often falling short in his eyes. His frequent support is interpreted as criticism and is a cause of tension. Constantly hearing of her brother's latest treaties and newsworthy headlines, she busies herself with her career and refining her divinings.
Neutral Good
Dressed in Arrester Robes
Light blue
Cropped, bright red hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale skin, light freckles across her face
Aligned Organization


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