
Ravnica Encounters - Christian Eichhorn
Johwo is a gifted individual who can create magic items made of stone through special chants and songs. She wears light clothing and many pieces of stone jewelry she made herself. Johwo always carries a warm smile and her leather bag around her shoulders—a pretty stone or person who needs comfort could always just be around the corner.   She is often absorbed in her craft, completely forgetting the world around. She has a big heart and attempts to help people however she can. Due to a dark past Johwo is unable to forget, a shadow sometimes lays on her, which she quickly expels upon notice.

Personality Characteristics


I want to bring meaning and beauty to Ravnica. Many just seek power and influence—something the city already has in abundance. By creating works of art, I hope I can entice some to pause and enjoy the moment.

Personality Quirks

Johwo can’t help but collect every pretty stone she comes across—even when a structure doesn’t want to give it up willingly.
Lawful Good
Quotes & Catchphrases
“I catch a moment and mold it in stone.”
Aligned Organization


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