S2E10 Session Report

left overs from last time: follow up on Sarmanor Freespar III still need to discuss makign duplicates with ophyiras dream needs to visit her uncle _____________________________________________________________ party takes off running after sylas throws his ax at garrock. garrock and the cambians exit the palace as we run around. then sylas throws another one.   dream casts calm emotions on garrock as da'har opens his smoke bomb thingy and the party tries to escape down the alley.   anthony ignored us as we all said uwu. it was a tragedy.   sylas teleports (using his wild magic rage effect) behind garrock to try to take the sword off his back. bryce rolls a FUCKING NAT 20, grabs the sword, says, "MY NAME IS SYLAS BADAR. YOU KILLED MY FAMILY. PREPARE TO DIE. EVERYONE GTFO OF HERE"   theo notices a door and runs towards it, but its locked. she phases through the door to open it and shouts at the party to follow her in.   garrock uses his chains to grapple sylas. da'har dashes towards the door, but wants to run back to help sylas. then he has flashbacks of perrin being torn into the afterlife and is reminded of his debt to the orzhov.   the cambian wrestle the sword out of sylas' hands and dream casts enlarge on sylas. he's now the size of his father, and teleports him and dream away.   garrock casts fireball and hits da'har, sylas, and dream. dream goes unconscious. garrock charges and grapples da'har.   sylas uses his turn to heal dream, and as she comes back to consciousness she sees sylas get wrapped in garrock's hooked chains and lifted into the air.   theo sees the cambians surrounding sylas and da'har lifted and grappled by garrock. she runs back to help save da'har and yells that he must get out.   garrock casts fireball over the entire fight. as its about to arupt around us, a bright white light covers the party as garrock and the cambians are knocked away unconscious.   "my name is sylas badar, he killed me and my family, use your rage and avenge me." -sylas' last words.   theo grabs the triskellion from garrock's unconscious body. she tries to get the sword but can't wrench it free. da'har tries to grab sylas' body but it is too bloody and he can't get a good grip. the three run away before garrock and the cambrians fully wake and head back to haku's.   garrock returns to the rakdos headquearters and sends everyone he can to hunt them and the triskellion down.


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