S2E13 Session Report

Da'Har is taking in the sights from the airship out on the deck. Dream casts fly on him and they figure skate through the air. Da'Har feels joy for the first time in a long time.   We start to see the 1st district in the distance. It looks more like a suburb than the big city because it doesn't have the guild halls that we're used to. We see the craggy mizium mountain range in the distance as well.   Theo goes below deck to open the package from Haku. It's a pair of gloves and a handwritten note: "Be carfeul. Look out for yourself. These will help. I hope I get to see you sometime soon. Get back here safe." *Anthony will add this to Theo's inventory once he ddecides what gloves to use*   The Duke talks to Zana about why we were attacked by the Rakdos. He and Da'Har say that we're just as suprised as she is about the attack. She asks who else we're being chased by, and Duke says the Dimir, possibly. She is immediately saying that she wants to drop us off in the 1st district because our expeditino is too dangerous. She thinks we're doing something right if the Dimir and the Rakdos are pissed, she just wants to be more in the know. Theo says to tell her everything since she won't believe us anyways. Da'Har begins telling the recap, starting with the Sharkenbear attack. (Garret misgendered the person that died in Act I who Anthony tried really hard to make them feel guilty about but who the party never cared about.) Dream casts very cute minor illusions to give visuals to Da'Har's story.   her recap of our recap: we're going to mercadia to find an artifact we think is there. with 9 other magical artifacts, we would have power outside of the realm of what we think is possible. the dimir are after us and the rakdok is mad at us.   she welcomes us to the golden zepher II. and says that she'll keep the canons loaded.   Da'Har starts growing his "adventure beard."   The Duke casts his Adventure Dome for us to long rest in so that we can have some privacy.   The Duke tells us about Mercadian customs and culture in preperation. *We all get advantage on any charisma checks involving this!*   Mercadia is similar to a native american res. It's the largest piece of the oceans of Ravnica that is at the surface. The merfolk lost a war for the air space, because they wanted sunshine and whatnot, and the merfolk lost. They were given this area as a reservations. It's a simic biome haven. There's a simic zonot there.   Dream takes off her jewelry, Da'Har takes Theo's Orzhov cloak, and Theo is left with just her leathers (think Tigress from Kungfu Panda).   The mercadians are the only sovereign nation on Ravnica, not run by the 10 guilds.   Airships don't travel over Mercadia. It's been ~10k years since that's happened. It's been that way since they lost the war. that's why we're getting dropped off in the south.   there is a large city where buildings are made out of coral. there are large, bulbous structures. some are connected by bridges and some are not.   zana, rizz, and razz are friendly and talk to us during the days of travel.   we come across the border where there are triton guards standing at the ready. anything they wear is made out of seaweed, coral, algea.   Duke casts comprehend languages before we land.   Da'Har, Dream, and the Duke try to convince Rizz and Razz (and Zana) to join us on the adventure. She says to send us a message if we need a ride home, (if there's loot), but they decline coming with us.   Dream shows the border guards our paperwork. The Duke comments on the color of the coral, and the guard says that they're going to change color because of some pollution in the water. They say we'll have a hard time getting through Mercadia right now because there's a black and green ooze on the surface of the water.   We take a carraige into the city in the search for an embassy or someone who can tell us about the pollution. Hobbin, the gnome leading the carraige, is told to stop the carraige by Dream. She flies up and sees a thin black strand coming out of the forrest and blocking the path. There seems to be some sort of scuffle engaging in some way.   Adventurers - "That's our word. It's adventuras to you." - Da'Har, to Hobbin.   We tell hobbin to take the carraige and go hide about 50ft away. We come up to a group of two krasis, two triton, and two muk guys, and a gib black ooze. the cart that the krasis are pulling is stuck in the black ooze.   "can I 30 copper sock 'em?" - garrett   Dream can tell that the ooze is necromantic. she starts to attack it with fire while the rest of the party takes out the zombie things.   *reminder to anthony- change dream's AC from the bracers*   while we hold the ooze at bay while hobbin and our cart pass through. we cut the krasis and carraige free and offer the two triton's our help and company in their travels. we check their cart to make sure it is safe and just food in there. there are a few magic items but they don't want to give them to us. they say that they'll report these events with us to vouch for our bravery.


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