S2E15 Session Report

Reminder: we get advantage on charisma checks on Mercadian customs.   We head to the bar to speak with the drivers that we saved on the road here. The bar is completely overcrowded because of all the refugees. dream does a quick flyover in the bar but doesn't see them. the duke climbs onto da'hars shoulders to look around, but he also can't spot them. we head back to our apartment to get some rest and everyone can pick new skills.   The duke is up early doing the crossword. Theo is up early doing tai chi. Dream and Da'Har wake up in time for us to go see Lt. Spern at 7am. He tells us there's a selesnian outpost to the east. There's a dryad that runs the outpost there. and that's where we'll get our team   we leave the city and pass through a large field between the water and the forest. there's a dirt road that we follow to the trees, and continues in. we march in a pyramid formation, with theo and da'har up front, the duke in the back, and dream above.   As we near the oupost, we see three selesnian's being attacked by fungus drudges, and there are more drudges and fungus wolves outside of the fencing. there is a black ooze following behind them. as theo enters the outpost, she hears a commotion further in the outpost as well. the ooze is spreading further into the outpost as we fight. we take care of the drudges and wolves, and dream and the duke cast fireball to drive back the ooze (but it also catches the forest on fire). dream casts a wall of water to put out the fire. loxodon named branrom, the leader of the three selesnians, knows the duke from years ago. they wait for us and we head into the outpost where the ooze is slowly heading in.   dream flies above the meadow/outpost and tells us that there are 9 enemies on the other side of the house we run up to. we make fairly quick work of them, along with the soldiers and the dryad, and then we slow burn the ooze away.   saratina, the dryad, thanks us for our intervention. she says that we can't rest there at the rate that the ooze is spreading. her soldiers wills tay put to protect the outpost, and she will accompany us into the forest towards the strange lights. we each get one healing potion and 2 potions of alchemists fire.


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