S2E19 Session Report

General Summary

The night before, the Duke gives a rousing speech to the Gruul camp and recruits 2 more orcs. We also   We head to the Northern exit and meet Kakerlake and her two guards, Kraterellin and Calvatiax. Ziljin, the goblin rogue guide, is also there. Greeqemax, the goblin leader, will cover the cost of his guidance. Aleida Woodleaf, the Gruul leader, is also there waiting for us. Two more orcs, the ones from before, come to join us. They're the two bullies from the poker table.
Aleida asks Bricknar and Brocknar what they're doing here. They explain that they want to join because the Duke is the homie (and because they want honor from battle).   Ziljin asks where we want to go. We say north of the council meetings. He says that he's familiar with the layout, but that he doesn't think this big of a group will be able to sneak in. There are darker skinned dwarves standing guard. We tell Ziljin what our goal is while we walk north, and let him know that we just expect him to get us there, not to put himself in danger.   Theo gets conversation started to try to get everyone to know each other. Aleida and Kakerlake are naturally getting closer.   The party begins to discuss tactics and who's in charge. Theo gives dream a potion that gives her relentless endurance.   We come to the perimeter of the cave system, and see a room full of guards. Ziljin and Theo sneak in while an elf speaks to the Duke. She says that no one passes without the Mark of Maraxi. Theo and Ziljin sneak attack the executioner, and the party gets a sneak attack round. We take on 7 more enemies, acolytes and cultists. We keep one acolyte alive so that the duke can get info out of her. While that's happening, the party loots the bodies and Dream takes a look at this Mark of Maraxi. Alina, the other acolyte we killed, has a necrotic rapier. Theo grabs it but saves it for later, since it only does necrotic damage. *add +1 necrotic rapier to theo's inventory* in chest in tower: 4 potions of greater healing. we each get one. 5 platinum pieces. also in tower: note: Reply to a call for reinforcdements. Maraxi is unamused but will send reinforcements to Maraxis. the duke interrogates the acolyte. asks her what the mark of maraxi is. She says we'll all find out soon enough. but we do find out jhalros works for whoever Maraxi is.   we move the dead bodies into the tower and lock them in, breaking the lock behind us.   we short rest before moving further into the caves. we ask ziljin if he's seen any of the ooze, and he says yes. there were a bunch of undead around the area, and there was a pile of weird fungal material in the middle of an old, abandoned rakdos mining town. he leads us that way.   we have to crawl through a v tight space to get there. we oil brick and brock up with grease to let them fit through the path. they get naked to be even smaller.   Marching order through the tight tunnels and low rooms: Ziljin, Dahar, the Duke, Kraterellin, Kakerlake, Calvatiax, Aleida, Bricknar, Brocknar, Dream, and Theo. We enter a low room with tree roots taking over the middle of the room. Kraterellin moves forward and starts as he sees something. The Duke tells us to be at the ready. A giant spider attacks him, and the duke casts dancing lights to see two more spiders in the room. there ends up being 4 total, but we take care of them with only one of the kraul taking damage.   aleida was trapped in the crevace with brick and brock trapped behind her, talking shit. they make it through   next time: bryce takes over dahar, alex takes over the gruul, and amy takes over the kraul. anthony will control the named NPCs.
Report Date
21 Feb 2024


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