S2E2 Session Report

Sylas and Dream - recognizes Da'Har in the magical survailance footage that Dream created from the witness' memory. Sylas walks out of the Chamber of the Guildpact Maria - (detective) calls him out for leaving so soon   Theo and Da'Har - Tells Da'Har that the staff is missing. Goes to get Gorbov a snack as promised, and then tells Da'Har that Going to find - Mizzix Zizzix   Dream - in New Prahv. uses an Azurian cantrip that's a siren and lights granted only to law enforcement to get the the guild pact. Works via spell scroll. As she gets to the office, she runs into Sylas who is on his way into the huge lobby (looking for Da'Har). She tries to talk, but he ignores her as he walks by and looks around. She comes back around and says "let's talk." He asks for her help looking for Da'Har. He shares that he ran into the suspect that morning. They go to head back to New Prahv.   Da'Har leads Theo to go find Mizzix.   Someone tells Dream that the APB hit.   Theo and Da'Har: In Precinct Four, heading into an Izzet League neighborhood. Gustavo's laboratory where Mizzix works. Lights are flashing inside. Door is blown off its hinges. Walking inside, two lightning elementals are fighting a couple of scorchbringer guards. Mephits. A giant mech bursts into the room and attacks the mephits. Da'Har waves hello, rips his shirt off, and runs into the fight.   Dream and Sylas - No address on file for Asan. But they give him the address for his work. A lab in precint 4.   Combat starts for Da'Har and Theo. She chills against the wall and watches. Theo notices Da'Har cast a spell on the mephit and it has no effect.Theo hears people coming up and ducks behind the corner out of sight. Dream and Sylas show up. Mizzix and the guards are making quick work of the mephits. One of the guard's tank on their back explodes and she goes down after passing through the mephit and getting electrocuted. Dream and Sylas help defeat the Mephit's. Mizzit hops out of the mech suit and says hi to Da'Har. Says that some big elemental got loose and they're looking for it. Da'Har questions Mizzit about the staff. He has no idea. Da'Har asks after Asan, who hasn't been to work in days. Mizzit gives Da'Har her address. Sylas asks Mizzit about Asan and gets the same info. Pulls Dream behind him as he quickly walks out (like a bee caught by a leg). Theo and Da'Har follow behind. The cops break in and start looking around. Theo and Da'Har interrupt. Da'Har doesn't want to answer their questions, so Sylas tries to arrest Da'Har. Da'Har says he has diplomatic immunity. Mizzix bursts in and says that Asan blew up the lab and stole something from Gustavo's office. She almost killed Gustavo. Took a weird with her. Mizzix says that he needs someone to secure the crime scene. Sylas and Dream decide to investigate, and Theo and Da'Har follow along. Sylas tries to get da'har to sign up for the ravnica beach body pyramid scheme, and theo calls him away before he hands over 100 gold.   The party enters the crime scene and down a few floors into the lab. theo discretely swipes a tinkers kit and a potion. they all go into gustavo's office.   gustavo - mid 50s vidulcan wizard. tradition izzit directors wizardy robes. hairless. looks tired and ragged as we walk in. he asks why nassius isn't there, and sylas tells him that nassius is on a temporary leave. says he was asan's mentor, and that she came in today "crazy." wearing plate armor and in combat gear with a giant staff. was going on about a plan to hurt people. thinks that asan is involved with a rebel group or doomsday clan. was screaming about the guild pact and how unjust it is. she took the strongest weird, and it followed her out of the building as a willing participant, whereas they're usually chaotic and willfull. Dream ask's gustavo for Asan's notes once the lab inventory is taken.   party decides to work together in the investigation, since Dream puts together that we're looking for the staff. theo asks dream and sylas if they have a way to communicate with their teams to figure out where the weird went. dream takes us to a precinct close by to send a message to headquarters, make sure a full team is headed to the lab crime scene, and to put out an APB on a blistercoil weird.   Arofin - da'har's boss.
Session Date: 3/1/23


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