S2E3 Session Report

Dream asks theo if she knows anything about cults, since she's part of the orzhov. theo denies that she's part of the orzhov, but is just in their debt.
The party heads back to the scene of the crime. Officer collected some documents from Mizzix, who asked to speak with Dream and Sylas while we were away. Gives them to Dream.
Dream heads down into the lab to speak with Mizzix, says that some of the documents are missing. Mizzix says they were trying to build autonomous droids, had been working on it for years. Sylas asks if Asan has any siblings, Mizzix says yes, Essick(?) someone who is also an investigator.
Dream asks where the missing notes are, and he says that he doesn't know (insight check: we believe him). She starts looking around Asan's desk. She uses charcoal to read what was written on the last sticky note: Peren. Theo knows that name.
The Freespar Family have a man named peren who disappeared but owes the family money. hasn't been seen in a while, and some other family enforcers have been looking for him. Last known place: palace of pain's pleasures (a circus). BDSM club. tours through the 10th district. is a palace with giant spide legs.
Theo relays this info. Dream asks Mizzix more about the prototypes. Says they have a workshop down the street and offers to show us. There is a prototype in the making in the center of the workshop. Dream asks who funds the projects, he says the Izzet League, from gustavo.
Dream notices a spot where the dust shows a clean section. Sylas tries to break in, a flumpf appears while he tries to get in. After he can't get in, the flumpf explodes. Sylas uses his axe to wedge the door open. Inside is a bigger high-tech lab, full warehouse. Mizzix is shocked to see it. Says that she (asan) was workign on the same project but she was building it with better tech.
Mizzix says that the bots were supposed to help keep the peace and keep the police safe and out of harms way.
Da'Har is lookign at the papers. Theo is trying to see when the last time she was there, or where she might be. Sylas and Dream are looking to see if anythign is missing, and if a full prototype has been made. Doesn't look like an Asan was near finishing a prototype. The lab is big, so Theo can't really tell when she was there last. Da'Har doesn't find anything.
Party finds a desk and investigates. Sylas finds manila folders filled with instructions on retreieving information. Indicates that Asan was working with someone outside the izzet to gather info. There are magical items that are beign searched for. Asan is a go-between, sharing information, but don't know who with. Notes are vague enough to not ID any parties involved or locations. Dossiers for 9 magical items.
the documents about the staff: only a physical description. doesn't describe what it does. the party also recognizes a crown. LIST OF THE 9 ITEMS TBD. All items can be held/worn by a single person.
Mizzix says that Gustavo and Asan used to be close, and Gustavo was her mentor. Mizzix didn't know about Asan's involvement in the doomsday cult either. Seems betrayed.
Party decides to go to the Boros Legion to look for Essick. We head to Sunhome, the headquarters of the Boros. Pentagon vibes. Big courthouse in the middle. Essick works as a detective in the the enforcement division. He doesn't know where she might be, nor what the doomsday cult is. leave him with Dream's business card.
Ismeri library on the west end of town. biggest library in ravnica.
pam, the owl receptionist, is at the front desk. Da'Har, who seems familiar with her, asks her about the new book bounties. Mizzix and Asan were the only people who have participated, and got her like 30 books. Dream asks to see the records of what Asan has checked out, has a request form at the ready.
Ancient Ravnican history book that has been returned. That's all that she's recently looked at. Dream goes to the history section to take a look. There is an ancient rumor, conspiracy theory, about the guild pact being signed 10k years ago, the guild leaders of the ten guilds had items crafted to magically bind the pact. the guild signets. the story goes that if someone weilded all 10, they could alter the pact. expert wizards in the field say there's no magical explanation or way that that could be true.
Dimir guild signet is the missing dossier.
Gruul are the only guild that has a doomsday-ish lead, but its a loose lead. Theo goes to find Da'Har, who is looking at Orzhov deals. He asks her if he made a mistake in taking the deal and the 10k gold, and she says only if they don't find the staff. *she mentally decides that she would rather go further into debt than to let him spend any of the 10k.*
Dream tells Da'Har and Theo about the 10 magic items.
They decide to go back to Gustavo's office. Get there around 5pm. Gustavo is gone, and his office looks cleared out.
Crown: 4 prongs in the middle. Heavy duty tiara. Silver trim on the outside. Red Gem on each of the 4 prongs. Thick metal. Looks like battle armor rather than jewelry. Is missing from Gustavo's office.
The party decides to seperate for the night. Some people go to do their own investigations. Da'Har needs to go work out. Theo goes to talk to someone, and then trains before going to bed.
[Reminder for Amy: Look for books for Pam to make some extra moeny.]
Sylas goes to a fight club.
They all decide to meet up somewhere in the morning.
Session Date: 3.29.23


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