S2E9 Session Report

follow up on Sarmanor Freespar III   for next time: they decide to take the triskellion back to ophyiras and tell them that the simic (their enemy) are looking for it. we'll tell them that we need a duplicate of the staff made, and we'll recommend that they make a duplicate of the cube too.   dream needs to visit her uncle   ______________________________________________________________________   group of 5 goblins is harassing a hot ass esmerelda looking elvish woman who is working some sort of booth. sylas goes into a rage and his wild surge causes vines and thorns and rough terrain to circle around him. clocks one in the face and dream messages them that they're under arrest. they all scatter. sylas tells them to drop her things before they run, and they do. two boros soldiers start walking towards us. "meet me at the cracked zircone." a dingey guildless pub. she says before she leaves. the two soldiers come over to see whats going on, and theo talk some shit before dream flies over to flash her badge (but ends up upside down and with her clothes covering her face). "yikes" - sylas. our two coppers flash their badges and get the boros soldiers to leave us alone.   party decides to go to the cracked zircone aka the "crack and scones" theo enters behind the party and sits in a corner to observe. from the outside, it probably looks like she's tailign the party. dream and sylas enter and try to find their light. sylas catches some sun on his abs. dream says, "oh no he's hot" under her breath and theo hears.   sylas asks the bartender where the elvish woman is, and is directed towards the back of the bar. sylas and dream walk up to her while theo and da'har stay out in the front room. her name is lanani (luh-NAW-nee). she says she's in a tough spot. goblins are harassing her daily. part of crakstrik's group. their running a mafia scheme and charging her a fee to keep her pub open. they kidnapped her brother and are holding him for a 100 gp ransom. says she might sell her family heirloom, a gulgari keyrune. had something to do with solving the implicit maze. says its in the underdark. she'll tell us where it is. says she'll also sell it to us for 100gp and tell us where it is. sylas and dream see it as a scam and just get up and walk away.   party heads to the palace of pain's pleasures. get a round of shots on the house. ophyira comes out and invites us to their office. we return the triskellian and tell them that the simic and that sylas' dad are after it. we tell them that there are other powerful artifacts. she says that garrock, sylas' dad, is on his way to retrieve the artifact. the party tells them that they need a duplicate, ophyiras says they need to discuss it later since garrock is on his way. theo hears him coming, and da'har and sylas leave through the back window, and theo and dream walk out the front door. they pass garrock on the way out. he's with an entourage of cambiens (half infernal half human, kinda like tieflings). the party meets around back and eavesdrops on the meeting in ophyira's office. sylas senses a rectangular magical aura with guild pact magic. sylas flashback: 8 y/o child in a tent waking up in the middle of the night. sees flashes of light and hears noises. hears someone be struck. a childhood friend is on the floor outside covered in blood. his last words as he reaches for sylas are, "run sylas." sylas leaves his siblings in the tent to go look for their mother. looks behind him before he goes and realizes that all of his siblings are gone. he hurries out towards the rest of the tent. garrock is standing with a bloodsoaked sword over the dead bodies of his siblings and mom with a crazed look in his eyes. sylas ducks behind a chair and feels a mix of terror and sorrow and rage. he lets out a bellow of rage, and his father sees where he is and goes to strike him with his sword. a ball of bright white light explodes from sylas. flashback ends with the explosion of bright white, and he finds himself in a white void, speaking to his father's sword. says its been looking for him for a while. sends him into another flashback: sylas is in a magical protective dome. his dad is frozen in time. the sword flies out of his hands and crosses into the barrier. it talks to sylas, thinks he's curious, and says it'll protect him from his father. tells him that he is special. time goes back to normal and garrck flies back and is knocked unconsious. sylas escapes. flashback ends. sword and sylas are still having a conversation in the white void of space and time. sword says that he thinks that sylas can weild him better than garrock can. says that he is made of giuld pact magic and that that's where sylas' magic comes from too. says sylas will have to take the sword from his dad. sylas comes back to his body, casts thamaturgy at the window, garrock runs to the window, and sylas throws a hand axe at him.


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