S3E5 - Oh Yeah!

General Summary

We enter into a room. On a platform, there are two pilons and maybe bleachers set up at some point, like a viewing area. There may have been 4 pilons at some point, but now only 2 remain. The perimeter of the room is lined with batteries. On the far wall, there is an empty doorway.   Detect Magic detects magic/Mizzium everyyywhere.   RO4M says the batteries should still have power. We need to put something with the guild pact magic into the doorway to anchor it to our world. AKA Teri's magic.   Teri asks if it can be used more than once, to which RO4M says that theoretically, it should.   We look for traps but see none. The Duke takes a look at the pilons. The gears underneath one look corroded and worn away. We'll have to move it manually while the device is on. Dream also notices that there is some damage to some of the wires along one of the batteries. Zedd uses the gauntlet to confirm that the circuit is disconnected. He can manually have it flow through, but he'll have to draw on his own reserves.   We take a short rest to investigate further. Zedd and RO4M manage to patch up the damaged wiring during the downtime.   Teri investigates the damaged wall, which seems like it may have once been a doorway that was patched through. Theo uses her ghost step tattoo to phase through, and sees a massive mech suit. RO4M calls it a power suit. He says that they used to be used for construction, but need someone to operate them. We look around for more hidden doorways, and find one in the other side of the room. This one isn't a sealed doorway, but a hidden door. Teri and Zedd try to open it, but with no luck.   We decide to turn on the power source and see what happens.   4 giant blue chains come out of nowhere and grab Zedd. The hold him taught over the viewing platform as he screams and thrashes. We shout at RO4M, who says he doesn't know what's happening. Theo shouts at him to turn it off, but he can't. He tries, but it's overridden. The hidden door slides open and a giant, round robot comes rolling out with blades whirling. Everyone spreads out, and Theo casts Darkness to hid Zedd. Dream casts Hypnotic Pattern to halt the robot, and Theo ghost steps into the other room and into the power suit before Kool Aid Man'ing through the wall. Dream discerns that the chains are like an Arrest spell. The Duke asks Zedd if he will let himself get captured by a Bead of Force, since the chains can't break through that. He agrees, and the Bead encases him, but the chains instead wrap around the Bead. Teri casts web to entangle the mech, and Dream casts faerie fire before dispelling the chains.   The mech releases two small flying robots. After another round of combat, the mech breaks free. Theo uses the welding torch on the mech as it rolls away, catching the web on fire. Teri starts stabbing it with his spear. Zedd is rolling around in the Bead, trapped in the bubble. We realize that the mech and the sentry drones are resistent to regular damage, but magic and fire attacks seem to work better. The robot releases two spider bots, one of which does a LOT of damage to Teri. The other spider takes out The Duke. As the mech tries to roll away, Theo in the mech suit gets a critical hit and does a good amount of damage. Then Teri is able to take out the last sentry drone.   Once Zedd is free of the Bead, he uses the Gauntlet to deactivate the big rolling mech. We quickly get rid of the remaining bots and bring Teri and the Duke back up.   Zedd says that he thought we would go through the portal without him. Dream hugs him.   RO4M gets the portal working, and we all head through the portal. Dream shrinks the mech suit so that we can bring it with us as proof of Voltara, along with Zedd and RO4M. When Zedd gets to Ravnica, he falls to one knee. The Gauntlet begins to pulse. He says that it's the only thing that will keep him alive.   Theo uses the Sending Stone to tell Da'Har that they made it back with new friends and the gauntlet, and that we're on our way back. He says that Jace Beleren is back.
Report Date
24 Jun 2024


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