Sylas Badar

Sylas is an orphaned member of a magical family of gypsies/performers that originally belonged to the Rakdos.   Sylas’s father Garrok, a sorcerer, murdered his mother, two brothers, and sister when he was 8 years old. When the guild pact investigated the grizzly scene Sylas was found hiding in the corner barely surviving the onslaught only because of the rage that manifested within him keeping him alive.   The investigator of the guild pact, (insert name here) took him in and has trained him to be a mage slayer to eventually take revenge against his father further utilizing the rage and the ability to hunt mages down that are enemies of the guild pact.   (Gypsy Group) My family ran a small group of performers with the main attraction being my father, Garrok and the magical wonders he could perform nightly. Generally the troop would only have 15-20 people at a time depending on the time of year. Although we were a part of the Rakdos cult we never quite conformed to how other groups of Rakdos operated. Sylas remembers the group just generally trying to bring joy to others and showing the wonders of magic and performances that would delight the young and old alike.   (Night of the murder) There was nothing particular about this night that stood out. We were getting ready to go to sleep in our traveling tent as we were every night that I could remember with all my siblings asleep with Sylas being awake last with his Mother as was normal as his Father was out performing for the late night shows with his incredible magic. The air became still with quietness as the night was wrapping up, generally you would hear the aftershow drinks clanking or just random shouts from the celebrations of another outstanding night of traveling performances. Sylas, looks out of his tent to investigate, but discovers that no sound is traveling around him, like it was taken from the air and world around him. Immediately peering outside he could see the blood splattering across the tents and the bodies on the ground. Not far from the entrance was his Mother’s boy laying on the ground motionless. Sylas tried to scream for help but couldn’t even muster a single sound out of his mouth. Slowly out of the corner of his eye he could see another performer falling to the ground before he could see the green-flame blade lighting up his Father’s face. Standing still and emotionless as he points his blade and a blast of energy emerges from the blade impacting him in the chest knocking him out cold. After sometime, Sylas eventually awakes in a panicked state immediately looking up and seeing his family’s tent entrance wide open with a small hand peering out of it on the ground. Crawling towards the tent he could feel this anger fester and build and fester and build until he reached the entrance to see all of his siblings’ bodies cold on the ground, when finally that rage burst out a wave of magical energy. He was found hours later passing out from the surge of magic within him and the pain from the mark the magical blast left on his chest in the form of a scar.


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