The Staff

Simic - Staff

Description: A wooden staff. Its head is a pink and blue crystalline structure, sculpted from polished coral. Its handle is also encrusted with coral.
  Known Abilities: The staff grants the ability to control any Krasis its wielder can see. Additionally any Krasis within 1000 ft. can be summoned to the wielder's location.
  Whereabouts: In the possession of Jakari Freespar.
  Directives: Maintain status quo; keep under observation. Ensure possession is maintained by allied operatives.

The Felicity Triskelion

Rakdos - Puzzle Box

Description: A six inch cube, crafted of a deep red copper with an obsidian inlay of three interlocking loops on one face. The interlocking loops have spiraling designs branching off of them in a non-repeating fractal pattern that weaves its way across the other five faces.
  Known Abilities: The true nature and origin of the cube is lost to the ages, but according to scholars of the arcane this device allows communion with beings of pure sensation. Joy, pain, bliss, and torment are promised in perfect harmony to the rare soul brave and skilled enough to unlock the its mysteries.
  Whereabouts: An unnamed curio collector has been searching for the cube. He seems to believe that he has a lead as to its whereabouts.
  Directives: Locate the collector and determine if his lead is credible.

The Crown

Description: An ornate diadem made of armored steel with silver trim. It has four spikes with ruby red gems atop each.
  Known Abilities: Unknown.
  Whereabouts: In the possession of Gestavo, Director of the Izzet Laboratory of Applied Mechanical Physicality.
  Directives: Maintain status quo; keep under observation. Ensure possession is maintained by allied operatives.

The Ring

Orzhov - Ring

Description: A ring composed of a pure gold band surrounded by chain links made of onyx stone. The gold band is carved into intricate patterns and etchings. The center of the ring is set with a large white opal.   Known Abilities: Unknown.   Whereabouts: Unknown. The ring was supposedly passed down through generations of Orzhov oligarchs. It's last known owner was Armand Écarlate, deceased in 2,344ZC.   Directives: Seek information tracing the ring's whereabouts after the death of Armand Écarlate.

The Necklace

Golgari - Collar

Description: A twisted and gnarled necklace, crafted from blackened vines that wrap around the neck in a tight embrace. The vines are dotted with small thorns that seem to writhe and move on their own accord. At the front of the collar, the vines are woven together into a knot that holds a large, black gemstone in place.
  Known Abilities: The necklace can cause the rapid decay of organic matter or the rapid growth of certain fungal organisms.
  Whereabouts: There are rumors among the Gruul Clans of a death cult in the far East that are growing a massive structure of fungal matter. The cult's leader wears a necklace that seems to match the description.
  Directives: Reaching the cult's location requires a long journey through the Rubblebelt. Contacts within the Gruul Clans are seeking a guide to assist with safe passage. The cult is likely powerful and dangerous, the nature of their current activities is unknown. Further investigation into their origin and intentions is necessary.

The Gauntlet

Izzet - Gauntlet

Description: A gauntlet made of a mizzium-infused bronze. Clockwork mechanisms inside of the gauntlet are visible through glass shielding on either side of the wrist. When active, blue bolts of mizzium flow out of the wrist mechanisms into the palm of the wearer.
  Known Abilities: The gauntlet is rumored to give the wearer fine control of the flow of nearby mizzium. Legends tell that wearers of the gauntlet could activate, deactivate, and even control nearby mizzium-powered devices.
  Whereabouts: Unknown. History texts tell stories of a fairy and member of the Izmundi, Vortica who wore a gauntlet matching the items description. In 4359 ZC, Vortica was a member of a multi-guild council that founded the city of Valtara. There are no known records of the gauntlet's location after 4359 ZC.
  Directives: Investigate the history of Valtara for leads regarding the whereabouts of the gauntlet.

Orinthea's Mantle

Azorius - Cloak

Description: A long, flowing cloak made of a shimmering, silver-blue fabric that seems to shift and change like the surface of a pool of water. The edges of the cloak are lined with intricate white embroidery in the shape of swirling patterns and arcane symbols. The hood of the cloak is deep and wide, casting shadows over the wearer's face, and the interior of the hood is lined with a soft, silvery material that glows with a faint, otherworldly light.
  The existence of Orinthea's Mantle as a piece of Azorius history is public knowledge. However its other significance is a closely guarded secret.
  Known Abilities: Unknown.
  Whereabouts: Upon completion of the Implicit Maze, Orinthea's Mantle was given to Jace Beleren as a ceremonial gift by Isperia.
  Directives: Make contact with the artisan Leddli for further information.

The Chestpiece

Gruul - Chestpiece

Description: A leather chest piece adorned with thick tufts of green hair, said to have come from the mane of the Gruul's Boar God, Ilharg. Braided into the hair are small ornaments carved out of bone.
  Known Abilities: Legends purport that the wearer is invulnerable to all physical harm and can perform superhuman feats of strength.
  Whereabouts: Unknown.
  Directives: Obtain information regarding the last known whereabouts of the chest piece.

Thymea's Stride

Selesnya - Boots

Description: A pair of wooden greaves, honey-colored with veins of green and brown running throughout. The greaves are fitted with silver clasps and fasteners, and the edges are lined with small emeralds.   Known Abilities: The greaves give the wearer incredible speed and agility and are also rumored to have healing properties.   Whereabouts: In the possession of Emmara Tandris. It is believed that Emmara is unaware of the significance of the greaves.   Directives: No plan to obtain the greaves is in place as of yet. No current contacts within the Selesnya Conclave have be able to infiltrate Emmara Tandris's inner circle.

The Dimir Guild Signet

Dimir -

No information about the Dimir Guild Signet is currently known.

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