Concordance Settlement in Ravnica | World Anvil
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More practically-minded members of the Selesnya Conclave live in Concordance. Certain Azorius employees live here, as well as the more casual Dimir members. Retired Boros legionnaires looking to escape their violent pasts find comfort in Concordance.


All Conclave-controlled areas are protected by votaries and equenauts, in addition to whatever Azorius and Boros forces exist in the area.

Industry & Trade

Concordance boasts the most urban comforts of Precinct Three. Because the Great Concourse runs overhead of most of the neighborhood, it has the best access to trade goods.

Guilds and Factions

Like the rest of Precinct Three, the Conclave is almost entirely in charge. Dimir historians and book sellers take advantage of the neighborhood's age.


Many buildings in this area were once Orzhov v structures, but they have been reclaimed by moss, shrubs, and other growth that make them blend in with the homes, parks, and Selesnya vernadi that fill the rest of the neighborhood.


The buildings of Old City are made from stone similar to that of Whitestone, but much less severe in design. Moreover, the Conclave have encouraged the natural growth since taking over.


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