Domri Rade Character in Ravnica: City of Guilds | World Anvil
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Domri Rade


Domri had always admired the Gruul, idolizing them for having the guts to fight the powers that he had to deal with every day in his adolescence. Unfortunately, he was too small and wiry for any clan of the Gruul to claim him. Rejected, but not dejected, he continued to strive to be what the Gruul wanted. Without a clan to call his own, he found companionship in the feral beasts of the ruins he called home. He developed an affinity for them, the first stirring of magic that he could claim as his own.   This skill would finally earn him his long desired place among the Gruul. When the Orzhov Syndicate pushed into the Rubblebelt, Domri commanded a herd of ragebeasts into driving them out, a feat that earned the eye of the Guildmaster himself, Borborygmos. The cyclops declared Domri an honorary member of the Burning Tree clan.   His life was normal amongst the clans, pretend fighting with his best friends Whip and Lakkie, further smashing the ruins of the Rubblebelt, and in general being a nuisance to everyone he encountered. It was a mundane life, but all that changed when he underwent the Gruul rite of passage. It all changed when it came time for him to be buried alive.   Teenage bravado led him to brag to his friends, but as the shaman of his clan led him further from his Rubblebelt home, he began to fret more and more. Reaching Utvara, they prepared him with the ritual magic to keep his body alive, but his mind was left unprotected. As the dirt fell upon him, all the boy's bluster fled and panic set in. He clung to what he knew, prayed to the old gods for deliverance, and struggled as hard as he could under the crushing weight of the cold earth. It was then, in the darkness, that his eyes were opened.   He rose up through the ranks of the Gruul, becoming the guildmaster by defeating the cyclops Borborygmos. As the precarious accord among the guilds teetered on the brink of collapse, Domri led the Gruul in a concerted effort to tip the world into chaos. He amassed an enormous mob to rampage through the city streets, making sure that every guild suffered painful losses to keep them at each other's throats.
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