Gorgon Species in Ravnica: City of Guilds | World Anvil
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Gorgons, also known as medusae, are snake-skinned humanoid women with hair made of snakes or snakelike tendrils and have the ability to calcify organic entities that look at the gorgon's face. Incredibly deadly, these creatures are rare across the various planes. Ravnica is home to dozens of gorgons, including the Sisters of Stone Death and the planeswalker Vraska. After several battles with the Golgari parun, Svogthir, the Sisters of Stone Death were diminished to only one: Ludmilla. She was believed to be the sole gorgon left on Ravnica, though Vraska and others later appeared as members of the Golgari Swarm as well. When Vraska took control of the guild, she became a passionate voice for other gorgons as they had become the most downtrodden race of the Golgari. Gorgons resemble green-scaled humanoids. In place of hair, a gorgon has a writhing mass of black, serpentine cables, and its hands are scaly claws. The gaze of a gorgon's glowing eyes causes living tissue to petrify. The transformation is rapid, leaving the victim as a stone statue, usually frozen in a position of abject fear or agony- a fine trophy for the gorgon's macabre collection. The gorgon must exert its will to effect this transformation, so the gaze of a surprised or friendly Ravnican gorgon is harmless. Only rare, powerful magic can reverse a petrification (usually resulting in a well-preserved corpse), and it is irreversible if the victim statue is broken beyond repair.


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