Merfolk Species in Ravnica: City of Guilds | World Anvil
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Merfolk are a race of amphibious humanoids that come from the Undersea. They stand between seven and eight feet tall, with skin that ranges from deep burgundy through many shades of violet and blue, to green, bright orange, and yellow. They are humanlike in shape, but have long fins extending from their shoulders, forearms, middle backs, and calves. Frills of fins also protrude from the backs of their heads. All merfolk can breathe air or filter oxygen from the water, and they can walk on land or swim with equal ease. Merfolk are a rare sight in the city of Ravnica and have only seemed to join the Simic Combine, if any guild at all.   Not much is known of the Merfolk. Any that wash up on the shores of the Undersea are infants and children that have gotten lost in the currents, and any expeditions into the Undersea to find Merfolk colonies have turned up fruitless.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Underwater breathing


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