Niv-Mizzet Character in Ravnica: City of Guilds | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. Firemind)

Niv-Mizzet, also known as the Firemind, is 16,768 years old. He is an ancient Ravnican dragon obsessed with omniscience. The Firemind's intellect exceeds that of standard mortals by several echelons, and he is known for many ingenious inventions that currently serve the citizens of Ravnica, the most well known being the almost indestructible, yet easily usable and forgeable metal, mizzium. Possessed of arrogance and vanity that matches his vast intellect and tremendous power, Niv-Mizzet directs the research and experiments of his countless underlings from his private laboratory at the top of the lzzet guildhall. Niv-Mizzet was the founder of the Izzet League and still reigns as Guildmaster to this day.
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