Obzedat Character in Ravnica: City of Guilds | World Anvil
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The Ghost Council

The Obzedat consists of spirits of the former Orzhov patriarchs and (though significantly less frequently) matriarchs, who ascended to the immortal ghost level. These autocrats maintained their wealth and power even as they had shed their mortal forms. They are also known as Deathless, as they had managed to cheat mortality, maintaining their consciousness (and their greed) beyond the threshold of death. Most of the Deathless appear as morbidly obese high priests or nobles, but sickly, pale, and ghostly in form. The head of the council, who gave final approval to the Obzedat's decisions is Karlov, who has been dead for centuries. The other members of the composition of the council are Enezesku, Fautomni, Vuliev, and Xil Xaxosz.   The Ghost Council resides deep under the Orzhov district in the central Ravnica. It is possible that the founders of the Obzedat are the same Orzhov representatives who originally signed the Guildpact, or that they were replaced by others at that time. Membership of the Obzedat is granted for an excellent "performance" in life, but the entrance is subject to a probation period. The membership can also be cancelled under exceptional conditions. The Obzedat rarely speak directly with those outside the guild; instead, they communicate through the official Grand Envoy, Teysa Karlov.
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