Sphinx Species in Ravnica: City of Guilds | World Anvil
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Sphinxes are large, powerful creatures with lion-like bodies, human faces, and feathered wings. Some rival dragons in size and strength. Sphinxes are known for their cunning and vast intellect, and many never speak save in riddles. They are aligned primarily with blue magic, though some may be white and/or black. Sphinxes have hollow bones that can function as organ pipes, so “every phrase is a motif and a speech can be a symphony”. Most Sphinxes within the Multiverse were likely influenced by Azor, an ancient Sphinx planeswalker who once traveled between the worlds to bring order. Most of these beings are solitary creatures that value their privacy, but will share their insights among each other in times of need. Some Sphinxes are aligned with the Dimir and also count as nightmares.


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