Trostani Character in Ravnica: City of Guilds | World Anvil
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Trostani is the guildmaster of the Selesnya Conclave on Ravnica, and speaker for Mat'Selesnya. She is a fusion of three dryads. Each of the three heads represents a Selesnyan value: order, life, and harmony. Before becoming Trostani, the three dryads had separate names and personalities.   Oba was wild and full of life. Her hair was tangled with leaves and vines. Her eyes shifting with her moods, from green like flecks of emerald and jade to smoky brown. Ses was ordered in manner and speech. Her hair was held in place by a headpiece made of goldenwood, and fell to her shoulders in a cascade of auburn. Cim was the eldest and the bridge between the other two sisters. Despite being a small, slight dryad, everyone within the Selesnya Conclave could feel the power within her. She would always find a way to balance the needs of one with the other.   Mat'selesnya is the parun of the Selesnya Conclave on Ravnica. An elemental formed from the union of several dryads, Mat'selesnya was encased within Vitu-Ghazi for several thousand years, until Szadek tried to destroy her during the decamillennial. She is described as a being with bark-like skin, with large crystals inserted into her arms and legs and encasing her dryad-like head. She currently still lives deep inside Vitu-Ghazi, and speaks through Trostani.
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