Vampire Species in Ravnica: City of Guilds | World Anvil
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Vampires are a dangerous type of undead. Whilst humans are the most common victims of vampirism, it can infect other species as well, including hounds and even dragons. Throughout the multiverse, vampires can be created through other vampires transforming their victims, or through enchantment. Some look like Humanoid bats while others, such as Szadek and Mirko Vosk, could pass as humans. Vampires in Ravnica have long and sharp fangs which are used to drink blood from humanoid victims. This sustenance gives them increased strength and dexterity, while they are naturally stealthy. Vampires all have chronically pale skin, although contrary to popular fiction, Ravnica's vampires get nothing more than irritation from direct sunlight.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Vampirism is hereditary, though vampires can only successfully mate with humans, elves, or vedalken. Vampirism can be spread through blood transfusion or magic.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Darkvision, immortality, blood-sucking fangs


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