Crowley Grimsbane

Crowley Grimsbane


Contacts & Relations

Was in love with a Human girl named Sorda who mysteriously vanished, presumed dead.

Family Ties

His adopted father Grozdan Grimsbane is the only family Crowley has right now.

Religious Views

Is a devote follower of Illarg, the raze end boar.

Social Aptitude

Extroverted, likes to talk and socialize with people.


A little rude and will speak his mind whenever he wants.

Hobbies & Pets

A boar named Xuca


A little simple and does not use big words.

Wealth & Financial state

Lives a little more on the poor side of things.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Member of the Gruul Guild.
The Red Wastes
Parents (Adopting)
Current Residence
The Red Wastes


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