Trostani Character in Ravnica | World Anvil


The Selesnya guildmaster is an amalgamation of three dryads in body, will, and soul. Each dryad’s body extends from a central trunk, so while they possess independent minds, they share a single name­ — Trostani — and a single life force. Usually Trostani communicates the will of the Worldsoul with one voice, but she retains three distinct personalities that embody the three parts of the Selesnyan ideal: Order, Life, and Harmony. In the midst of increasing tensions on Ravnica, the three personalities have recently been at odds over how best to navigate the conclave through such difficult times.   Trostani spends most of her time in the towering tree of Vitu-Ghazi, the Selesnya guildhall. There she communes with Mat'Selensya and with the dryads who lead individual Selesnya communities across Ravnica.
Aligned Organization


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