Precognitive Perception Spell in Ravnica | World Anvil
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Precognitive Perception

Azorius Senate Spell   Target creature must succeed on a Intelligence Saving Throw or have its mind searched by the caster. On a failed save the caster learns every sin the target can remember themselves committing, they also learn the alignment of the target. Additionally, they learn every crime the target remembers committing along with any crimes or transgressions the target has consciously decided to do along with any they have thought about but weren't sure if they would do or not. This spell also reveals names of people places and things associated with these thoughts and the significance of their connection to the target. The target knows that you are probing into its mind, and can attempt focus their thoughts, the creature can use its actions on its turn to make an Intelligence check contested by your Spell Save DC. During the course of casting this spell the creature can attempt to make 3 saves against the spell.   All Saves Fail : You learn everything mentioned above   1 Pass / 2 Fail : You learn their most recent sins crimes and transgressions within the past month, along with the name of associated people places and things within the past week. 2 Pass / 1 Fail : You learn their most recent sins crimes and transgressions within the past week, along with the name of associated people places and things within the past 24 hours. 3 Pass / 0 Fail : You learn their alignment.   Creatures immune to mind reading cannot be effected by this spell. In addition if the creature you choose has an Intelligence of 6 or lower or doesn't speak any language, the creature is unaffected.
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
1 Minute
80 ft

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