Sagittars' Voley
Selesnya Conclave Spell
Choose either a creature that is currently flying within range, OR a 20 ft radius circular area on the ground within range.
If you chose the flying creature, make a ranged spell attack against that creature. On a hit, the arrow replicates into a vast number and pelts the target with 4d10 Magical Piercing Damage.
If you chose the area on the ground, choose a spot within range, you lob a single arrow into the air (minimum of 20 ft), it descends as a replicated storm of arrows that strikes the 20 ft Radius Circle on the ground. Each creature within that range makes a Dexterity Saving Throw, taking 3d10 Magical Piercing Damage on a fail, and half as much on a success.
When cast at higher levels, each damage dice goes up by 1d10 for each level above 3 that this spell was cast at
Material Components
Must be wielding a bow and arrow
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
120 ft, 20 ft Radius
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