Azorius Senate

  The Azorius Senate is in charge of writing the laws, and maintaining order in the city. They function as the city government, and consist of roles such as scholars, judges, lawmages, and arresters. The Azorius are some of the most obvious holders of power in the city.   Those that dislike the Azorius would cast them as stuffy, humorless, or even draconian, however their attention to detail is impressive, and their commitment to fair legislation is enviable.   Bringing order from chaos - that is the mission of the Azorius Senate. Without the extensive legal code crafted and enforced by the Azorius, society would crumble, transforming Ravnica into a field of rubble where the Gruul and the Rakdos do whatever they please. The Azorius carry this weighty responsibility with stoic pride, and they perform their work of legislation, investigation, and enforcement with steely determination.   The first guildmaster of the Azorius Senate was a sphinx named Azor. He was the author of the original Guildpact. The Azorius Senate is meant to carry on his legacy by serving as the legislative body of Ravnica.   The current guildmaster is Supreme Judge Isperia    
Because of its authoritarian, overreaching grasp, the Azorius Senate’s relationships with other guilds are rarely positive. Azorius members tend to view members of other guilds as dangerous threats to order, while other guild members see the Azorius as rigid and tyrannical.
Boros. “Their vigilantism is tremendously dangerous without a hand to control it.”
Dimir. “A perennial thorn in our side. Though they were once our greatest foes, not even the masters of espionage can hide from our watchful eyes.”
Golgari. “Their underground structures break numerous building regulations, but at least they fulfill their duties as garbage collectors.”
Gruul. “The Gruul are dangerous anarchists with no interest in furthering the development of civilization. They serve no useful purpose.”
Izzet. “Eccentric and occasionally explosive, but generally harmless, for now. In their paranoia they have enlarged their weapon stockpiles, but they lack the clarity of vision to put them to use.”
Orzhov. “Their brazen exploitation of our laws will be their downfall. They are an insidious threat that could tear society apart from the inside.”
Rakdos. “An absolute blight on Ravnica. They are clowns who know nothing of culture and exist only to torment the functioning members of society.”
Selesnya. “The Conclave plays by the rules and keeps to itself. Until its members become too numerous, they are of little threat to us.”
Simic. “The Simic experiment with matters that disobey the laws of nature and the laws of Ravnica. We must not let them gain influence.”


The Azorius Senate is supported by three branches: the Jelenn Column, the Lyev Column, and the Sova Column. Each is led by an arbiter (also called a capital). The capitals of the three columns form the Triumvirate, which advises the guildmaster, Supreme Judge Isperia.


The Azorius guild embraces the belief that Ravnican society has come too far to succumb to chaos. Civilization can be saved only through the guidance of a strong, safety-focused government. In the mind of the Azorius, the threat of chaos is imminent. They believe it is time to face facts and do whatever is necessary to protect the people and preserve the force of law.

Public Agenda

The Azorius Senate’s ultimate goal is the perfection of society. They want to protect the people of Ravnica and foster a community of peace and harmony. A society’s values, they contend, are reflected in the laws it creates. Something is good if it is lawful. To the Azorius, the highest virtue is a society built on stability and order, and the guild’s elaborate system of laws is structured to prevent wrongdoing first and foremost, even at the expense of certain liberties. The Azorius can act as a benevolent proactive force that keeps evildoers in check, but it can also act as an oppressive bureaucratic force that stifles freedom and expression.
Political, Faction / Party
Controlled Territories
Notable Members